It starts off with explaining how the Uke older brother was going through exams to get into college i believe and he was super stressed and used to beat the mom everyday and the uke at the time was very young and was scared of his older bro, then one day the stressed bro came in his room and i think touching him all over? Wen the uke got older he used his older bro guilt against him and will make his brother watch him have sex with strangers?
(i havent readed it myself, i just saw someone asking about it, and it sounded kinda cool so if someone knows what it is plz share ur knowledge(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ )

I just read it while listening to Katy Perry part of me. Some it matched

sorry this is gonna be a long story. if somebody have had samekind of situation, feel free to send me a message, i feel very alone and scared right now. dont read this if youre easily triggered or child.
so i was sleepover in my bestfriends house, her stepfather was home too, but her mother wasnt. well, we got like really drunk, girls niht at home, and started to drunken dance. i have daddy issues, so i kinda wanted to have my friend's dad to pay attention to me while i danced. well soon things got really akward. my friends stepdad challenged us to play "dare" with him. he is like 40 yo(im 15yo). cos we been drinking, we agreed to play it. he challenged us to remove clothes, first like socks, than shorts, then tops, and finally, underwears, or bra or tops. it was really weird, during that time he also was kinda harassing us, like slapping our asses, pulling our bra, that kind of stuff. cos i was drunk, i was sitting there without my bra, but still wearing my under wear. i really didnt care, but if id have to choose again without being drunk, i wouldnt do that.(i really become like whole different person while im druk, usually im shy)
soon after that we went to sleep, i was sleeping alone on sofa, cos im bi and i was drunk and i was scared that id kiss my friend cos i have crush on her.(i dont wanna ruin our friendship so i wont tell her) i wish so much that i wouldnt go sleep to that sofa, i wish i would have went sleep with my friend...soon my friends stepdad came to me, held my hand and asked me to go to his bedroom with him. fuck, i regret it so much , i really didnt think anything, i just went with him.when we got to his bedroom,he pulled his pants down, he was erect. he asked me to suck him off. i dont know if i wanted it, i was so drunk. soon he asked me to get on top of him, and rub myself against his dick. he said he wouldnt put it in, but he did. it hurted so much, and i started to cry. after a while, i passed out because of alchohol. i remember waking up middle of night and he was squeezing my boobs, and fingering me, but i was too tired to do anything. i woke up at morning, went to shover and woke my friend up, like nothing had happened. after that i havent been in my friends house, i cant face her stepdad after that. my friend is suspicous, and thinks that i hate her.
so is this rape, he was drunk, i was drunk, im underage, and i dont now if i wanted to have sex with him then, but if i d get to choose again, i wouldnt do it. still, i kinda did it on my free will, i didnt say no, and i blowed him.this is really troublesome, i cant tell anyone,i dont wanna break their family...his wife would be mad at me, i think she would blame it on me. im so confused and my self-esteem is so low nowadays, i dont speak much, im scared of yelling men (cos my friends stepdad yells a lot) which is a problem at school cos teachers yell a lot..i really cant tell anyone, cos i dont ever wanna see him again.... i hope so much that this would never have happened …

I am sorry about this but maybe it's better if you forget it all.
you do it with (maybe half) your own will.
uwaaa, this is dangerous topic, and this is why I afraid with my younger sister stay night at someone else's house.
but what should I say? you still underage and he was 40 years old, that was wrong. the game, the fact you getting drunk, the fact his father allow you & his daughter to getting drunk, asked you to come and do it. that was .all. wrong,
maybe I sound as if innocent of what, but in my country that 's not right thing.
or is this better if you tell someone who older / responsible than you? or not? I don't know what I should say,

First of all, don't drink till ur of age. Lots of problems
happens like that.When u drink(at legal age of course) don't drink too much when guys are around.
Second, though I didn't have the same experience I know what it feels like to avoid someone because of something shameful I did. Though ur situation was worst.
Tell your friend. If you really think she's your friend, like your true best friend. Tell her. Cause if you tell her and she understands she could protect you from that situation happening again.
For me, If that ever happened to me I wouldn't tell anyone but if I ever had a best friend (someone I can really relay on) I would try really hard to tell her/him the situation. Living with that without letting it out will hurt you.

You are a child! You were abused. Report it. Who is to say he hasn't done it before? You will not ruin their relationship. It's already ruined if he chose to do that. That man is a predator. In no way was it your fault. He probably provided the alcohol for that very reason.

it doesn't matter if he was drunk, you didn't give consent so it was rape. also you are underaged so he raped a minor which would give him a lot of time in jail. Nothing is your fault. honestly he is a grown man and shouldn't have EVER thought about sleeping with a young child. you were drunk and helpless IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. I'm so sorry this happened to you, you don't deserve it. You should report it if you feel comfortable. Or talk to a therapist if u have to. But don't do anything you don't want to do. it takes time to heal. I hope you feel better <3

Dude thats rape, you have to report it. Dont let him do it to another victim.

Everybody has already said what I would say. It does make me wonder if he has done stuff to your friend. People who prey on underage youngsters don't just decide to do it in one night. Sometimes it's because it's something they've already done. I could be wrong about him because I'm no expert, but the whole situation seems fishy to me.( because of him not you)

The man is a predator. Not only did he take advantage of you while you were drunk, he actively played a part in getting you that way. For all you know, he could have been planning it from the start; at the very least, that's what his actions lead me to believe. But you absolutely need to let someone know. The fact that he involved your friend in the early part of this already gives me cause for alarm, and suggests that, even if you were the first, you probably won't be the last.
I can't imagine how difficult it must be to be in this situation, but you have to tell somebody for your own piece of mind and to prevent another girl from having to deal with this as well. And use this as a warning for the future. I won't say to stay away from alcohol because part of being a teenager is doing seeimingly harmless things you probably shouldn't with your friends. That stupidity/immaturity is a part of growing up, after all. BUT...be very very wary of any adult who encourages or tries to join in on that behavior. No proper adult should want to party with children.

i just cant find anywhere meaning of these symbols, is it village, or land or somebodys ring?
plz help me id really like to know(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

okay,id like to have any kind of information and web-pages about pullips, or obitsu's. id like to have pullip for christmast but i dont know much about them. this is gonna be my first pullip, so what kind would u recommend? like pullip's head in pullip's body, and what model, or pullip's head in obitsu body and how does that work, which pullipdollmodels head is possible to attach in obito's body, and if i have obitsu's body, will it become too weak if i have pullips head attached in it and obitsus weigh is 27 not 25? also, 2004 published pullip's body type2,venus, is it good, what are its weaknesses, like wrists or neck? please somebody who got time could u help me? cos i really know nothing and this is my first pullip (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

ive had lip piercing about 3-4 weeks now...so can i get it off like for 4-5 hours without it overgrowing? cuz im gonna meet mi dad and i dont want to him to know that i have this piercing XC plz somebody help me(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Just say that you accidently burnt your lip with really hot water or oil (if u use oil for cooking).
If that doesnt work then say that a bug bit you or you bit your lip too hard.
Maybe cover it up by using some foundation or some lipstick.
If you want it to swell less add on some Vaseline or some type of petroleum jelly.
(i have no experience with lip piercing im 14)
Hope this helps.
-Makoto Aiko

It will not block the entrance if you leave it out for at lease 12 hours. Ear piercings are like lip piercings right? (I dunno...) my older brother has a nose piercing so this is what he does.
Mmm do you have garlic? Or a toothpick? Break a small bit of that and put it inside your piercing. Its not really recognisable and i dont think people would really notice. For the garlic, use the hard bit where the tip is not the flesh or skin of the garlic.
Ive used garlic and toothpicks for my ear piercings not to block.
Hope this helps.
-Makoto Aiko

ok....I am not an expert in this but, i think it'll be ok for 4-5 hours. Specially if you have already kept the piercing for 3-4 weeks. That means your skin already got used to it. So it shouldn't close up in 4-5 hours. That's too little time for closing up. But it might become narrow if you keep it for more than 24 hours.

what is that japanese dessert that? those different coloured balls? xd is it django or something? i cant find resept cuz idk whati should search cuz i dont remember its name XD they look like this
please sombody help me(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Ahh, I should've mentioned this earlier. I actually have very little experience in the kitchen, so I may be wrong. What I said was second hand info from my friends that like to bake. They call the flour 'mochi flour' so I assumed mochi was the dough. But I don't think calling dango 'mochi' is inaccurate, since it's basically mochi on a stick. It's just less specific.

:D mm yeah might be... i cooked dangos (or mochis xd) today.. i didnt have rice flour so i had to boil rice and then "smash " them with tofu and i didnt boil the balls i fried them instead cuz rice would just float in water...well if i had have used rice float it would probaply have tasted better...XD but with caramel sauce it was okay :D (⌒▽⌒)
oh and this is video where i took recipe:

sorry this isnt about manga. id like to do narusasu video, but problem is the song... i use audacity (my software is linux) and lowered the pitc, but idk what i did wrong but it doesnt save changes that i made... and most of the menu item are disabled xp the "save" was disabled too and there was still the original track in addition to edited one. so how i can edit the track so i could save it? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ and thanks for telling :)

I didn't use audacity often tbh, but if I remember right, you click "save project as..." first to save it, but that's if you're not finished changing things and want to do it later. But if you're really finished with it and want the edited song to play on your computer (or whatever you want to use it for), you have to "export" it instead.
Hope this helps. (if not, youtube may help you)

story was happenig in middle ages of japan,or something, there were samurai's and all, and the uke(he has black hair) was returned from the war or something cuz hi has lost some body parts(hand, leg) or maybe his hands were just paralysic or something but he lived in some wooden cottage in forest and seme brought him food there and uke was always sitting on the floor on futon. and if i remeber right the uke was sad cuz he though the seme wouldnt love him cuz he was paralysed/losed hand etc. and then the seme told him that he still loves him and they had sex that looked more like raping or maybe the uke didnt want it i dont remember....plz tell me if u remember (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
the uke were introverted and he liked to paint ad the seme had many friends(they werent introduced in manga though) but he preferred to hang out with uke, and they both modeled in art classes and got some money from it, i think, and they once modeled together and there were some fujoshi girls and they were giggling to them, and they both were virgins, or at least the uke were. it were really cute and fluffy and mostly shounen-ai. if you know this please share ur knowledge(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
I'm not sure, but it fits the second part of your description
yeah its this one, thank you so much(⌒▽⌒)