Yakumo<3 March 6, 2015 7:46 pm

thanks for loading this, i trid to find this, and didint find anywhere, and now i finally found it *v* i loved all of the characters, they were so hot, i absolutely love this authors drawing style^^

Yakumo<3 March 5, 2015 7:07 pm

from what anime is this doujishi made? what anime is this? could somebboddybuddy tell me?;)

Yakumo<3 February 27, 2015 8:40 pm

I havent played final fantasy( if its game) but this was hotstuff i liked it :)

Yakumo<3 February 27, 2015 8:33 pm

ItaSasu 4ever <3

Yakumo<3 February 27, 2015 12:04 am

dat was interesting and funny story i think,loved that ending i shipped mako and hiromi...?(bad at remembering names) from the beginning and it was very nice that they falled in love but i like yaoi more than yuri, but yuri is nice too(dat makes me think why do i like things like this,weird cuz im hetero,,:P but if i were a guy i will definitely be a homo i swear for yaoi and id be doing gaycosplays for sasunaru or lightxL or levixeren or something XD

Yakumo<3 February 26, 2015 7:36 pm

variety is refreshing, i liked this doujinshi :) naruto was soo cuuuyteee<3 idlike to see teenaged narutoxiruka-sensei too :D

Yakumo<3 February 25, 2015 11:37 pm

btw does ur friends know that youre reading yaoi, i wonder? mine dont, cuz i dont think they could understand my wierdness/pervness....XD

    SoulLura February 26, 2015 12:34 am

    (=・ω・=) Mine do, I just told them straight up and they ended up liking it too hahaha. One of my besties is a guy and he thinks that its funny when me and my other besties start fangirling! :P

    Yakumo<3 February 26, 2015 3:59 pm

    Haha thats good for ya :D

    icel March 21, 2015 12:15 pm

    Mine do too :D
    Even my family knows, although mostly they found out by accident, haha
    Pretty much no one cares what I do as long as I pay my share of the bills, lol

    Yakumo<3 March 23, 2015 8:31 pm

    lol how did they notice, what happened?xD My family dont know cuz my dad really dont see what im doing with computer, he never notice anything even when hes sitting next to me, its weirdXD and mum would see but im hiding it from her,cuz i dont really want others to konw how freak and perv i am, i dont feel any need to tell them my perverted fangirl-things, i dont think they'llbe interested at all...XD

    Shirayuki March 23, 2015 11:16 pm
    lol how did they notice, what happened?xD My family dont know cuz my dad really dont see what im doing with computer, he never notice anything even when hes sitting next to me, its weirdXD and mum would see but... Yakumo<3

    I told my parrents (they didn't really care much) so I found out that my Mom
    also reads yaoi (she just reads books not manga) like me and my best friend.XD

    Yakumo<3 March 27, 2015 10:43 am

    OMG really!!? Thats awesome! xD* realizing mums can read yaoi too and dying for laughter by imaginations about mums gossiping about yaoiXD* trying to hide laughter inthe middle of class..yaoi really ruins my schoolXDX

    Ninja Fangirl March 28, 2015 10:20 pm

    All my friends and even my ex knew/know I like yaoi XD it's too much of who I am. It doesn't come up in convos very much but my fangirl/fanboy friends I give reccomndations to each other. Actually my whole immediate family knows I like it XD they don't get the attraction (except maybe my bi brother) but I guess I'm really lucky to have such an accepting family. Even though I may be the black sheep TvT

    Yakumo<3 April 1, 2015 1:07 pm

    XD thats great! id like to have bi/gay big bro too! it would be fun, or maybe it would be like with my lil bros, theyre always bullying and annoying me, thats not so nice.. XD

    Leuichi April 7, 2015 11:38 am

    Hmm, at first I don't want them to know but know, even my classmates know. Its quite a hassle that they keep asking me what I'm reading when I'm at school so I explained it to them so yeah, they cant do anything about it. Haha I starting to influence them though . (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Yakumo<3 April 7, 2015 7:01 pm

    :D really?! awesome, class of fujoshies! Do boys in ur class read it tooXD?
    in my school yaoi fangirls would be bullied and called freaks..well, if u got swag that doesnt matter but....im not like that,id be very distressed, so its just better to keep it secret to avoid bullshit...;p

    Ninja Fangirl April 9, 2015 9:21 am
    Hmm, at first I don't want them to know but know, even my classmates know. Its quite a hassle that they keep asking me what I'm reading when I'm at school so I explained it to them so yeah, they cant do anythin... Leuichi

    Ah I remember thoses days. Reading hardcore yaoi in the middle of class -v- If anyone asked what I was reading I'd say "gay porn" regardless if I was or not XD shuts them right up

    Yakumo<3 April 9, 2015 7:46 pm

    XD yeah no doubt about shutting them up..no wayy...XD

    meg13 May 7, 2015 5:57 pm

    out of my four friends, three of them love yaoi as much as I do and we have read and watched almost all of the same manga and anime...too bad for our one friend who doesn't like yaoi though 'coz that's pretty much where all our conversations lead up to....and uughh, I'd never ever let my family find out about my reading preferences.. They are too straight laced and would probably be weirded out about my pastime if they ever find out...Also, whenever I read yaoi, I make sure to position my laptop wherein if one was to enter the room, they will not be able to see what I was browsing... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    meg13 May 7, 2015 6:03 pm
    :D really?! awesome, class of fujoshies! Do boys in ur class read it tooXD?in my school yaoi fangirls would be bullied and called freaks..well, if u got swag that doesnt matter but....im not like that,id be ver... Yakumo<3

    i have a friend who has one younger brother and one younger sister and all three of them are hardcore fujoshies..It was my first time to meet a male fujoshi so I asked her younger brother if he was straight or not ( because i don't know, I just have this concept that most fujoshi would be either bi or homosexual) and he said that he was as straight as an arrow and that he loves yaoi because of the art and the feelings it evoked which is kind of different from the usual shoujo ad shonen ai ones...and he has some other male friends to that have read some yaoi as well..and as for my classmates: I'd never tell 'em too since I'm pretty sure they'd give me the stink eye for it

    Yakumo<3 May 8, 2015 7:06 pm

    :D omg guy fujoshi, thats awesome. so they do existXD it must be nice that ur friends are into yaoi and manga/anime, must of mine are not, only one is into manga and anime and she thinks yaoi is disgusting... i dont uderstand her...when i see girl+boyl couples in anime or manga, i get kinda bored and kinda envy the girl(idkXD) and the girls are usually annoiyng... so i like when there is too guys, its hotter and more interesting that way, i feel like im learning something about guys idk...yaoi may not be the best way to learn about guys and their emotions etc... ;D and when i read yaoi on computer,i have to be very careful too cuz i have to read it on living room or sometimes i read in kitchen while eating, and my lil bros are running around,since ive got no own room its hard to keep it secret..XP

    Yakumo<3 May 8, 2015 7:10 pm

    btw does anyone draw yaoi pictures or fanfic or doujinshis? and what charactetrs do you use? i draw yaoi pictures by computer and ive tried some doujinshies but its so much work to do in doujinshs... and i draw yaoi about legend of zelda games and naruto and death note.

    Mizurumi May 27, 2015 4:46 am
    btw does anyone draw yaoi pictures or fanfic or doujinshis? and what charactetrs do you use? i draw yaoi pictures by computer and ive tried some doujinshies but its so much work to do in doujinshs... and i draw... Yakumo<3

    Wow that's so awesome, do you post your drawings somewhere the net? Like your Facebook or like a blog or something? I would really love to see those.

    fujoshineko June 2, 2015 7:24 pm

    My friends know. Even my brother does. Sometimes I even tell peope I just met about it. Haha! Fujoshi and proud ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Yakumo<3 June 5, 2015 8:16 pm
    Wow that's so awesome, do you post your drawings somewhere the net? Like your Facebook or like a blog or something? I would really love to see those. Mizurumi

    i didint put them anywhere and i regret that soo much cuz computer where those drawings were fell on the floor and it doesnt start....i have drawed some narusasu drawings but they arent ready yet...im on deviantart, my name there is JirayaTheEro-Sennin, but i havent loaded much pictures there yet. :p

    Yakumo<3 June 5, 2015 8:30 pm
    My friends know. Even my brother does. Sometimes I even tell peope I just met about it. Haha! Fujoshi and proud ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ fujoshineko

    yayy ლ(´ڡ`ლ) havent anyone shocked about it?XD

    fujoshineko June 5, 2015 9:52 pm
    yayy ლ(´ڡ`ლ) havent anyone shocked about it?XD Yakumo<3

    Hahaha most people are. Some people are even disgusted with it. You know how close minded some are. But I don't care. I love yaoi and BL and LGBT at large! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    hemani July 15, 2015 9:43 am

    my lil brothers knew about it that I read bl mangas but they don't know the real truth lies between bl novels

    Yakumo<3 July 17, 2015 2:00 pm
    Hahaha most people are. Some people are even disgusted with it. You know how close minded some are. But I don't care. I love yaoi and BL and LGBT at large! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ fujoshineko

    haha its great that u are brave enough to tell evryone about it, im stilll closet fujoshiXDლ(´ڡ`ლ) and does LGBT mean that u like yuri too and genderbender etc?sorry idk ╥﹏╥ and uhh yeah its so annoying that some people are so close minded....my friends and mom are even shocked about manga and anime,(so if id tell them about yaoi they propably wouldnt understand it..)they think its freaky and my mums face was so horrified when she saw naruto-wallpaper on my wall, she was like whats the heg is thatXD... and almost all of my friends are fans for some popular boyband etc like justin bieber or ID and they like to talk about them often and once they asked that if i saw Masashi Kishimoto(author of Naruto) would i scream or cry or hug him and i was like umm maybe not but if i really saw him i know that i wouldXD sometimes feels like were from so different worlds and thats why its nice that there is mangago where are other fujoshies and manga/anime fans <3...sorry i really lost topic..xp

    Yakumo<3 July 17, 2015 2:24 pm
    my lil brothers knew about it that I read bl mangas but they don't know the real truth lies between bl novels hemani

    XD were they freaked out? and what are bl novels..? u mean like real books that are short or yaoi manga novels? if u mean books would u tell some good ones plz?(▰˘◡˘▰) ive never readed yaoi from book, only yaoi mangas and yaoi animes and watched some yaoi gaming videos like dramatical murders.

    hemani July 18, 2015 6:07 pm

    They tease me always saying 'you are reading gay's stories yuck. I'm too crazy for yaoi mangas that I didn't spend time with them and listen them. That was a mistake its mangas not novel but I heard that there are bl novels too. But I didn't ever read bl novels yet.

    Yakumo<3 July 18, 2015 7:51 pm
    They tease me always saying 'you are reading gay's stories yuck. I'm too crazy for yaoi mangas that I didn't spend time with them and listen them. That was a mistake its mangas not novel but I heard that there ... hemani

    okay (●'◡'●) and i love listening bl cd dramas/ mangas too, usually without manga though, only with voices... ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ and yaoi animations are awesome too, though theyre fan made and usually very short and mostly shounen-ai. i dont know very many, just couple. but i know many yaoi animes. (=・ω・=)

Yakumo<3 February 25, 2015 11:33 pm

i want MOARR, thatwas so sweeet...... and give verde-sama back to that headbangs guy...

    Ninja Fangirl March 28, 2015 10:21 pm

    *hint hint* those two are supposed to have their own spin off XD

    Yakumo<3 April 1, 2015 1:11 pm

    definitely xC

Yakumo<3 February 25, 2015 9:19 pm

ohmygod.... im feeling really pervy now..though i liked that manga :p

Yakumo<3 February 25, 2015 9:02 pm

i usually like rape in yaoi mangas, but this was kinda.... angering, annoying..idk, maybe cuz i attached to ayumu, he was so sweet and that evil bored seme who was pretty conceived and all,just that kind of guy that i dont really like, so the annoying seme maybe reason for i didnt like this...lol :D

    NeKoru March 25, 2015 5:26 pm

    Well it was told that the seme actually have feelings for Ayumu, but he acted like he did those things out of boredom cause he knew Ayumu liked his friend.

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