elle created a topic of Define The Relationship

Idk how anyone could’ve cheated on ash he’s prime real estate like why the hell would you leave him for someone else

elle created a topic of Kamisama no Uroko

I’ve gone thru sm life events since this manga went on hiatus :’)) graduated college, turned 21, got my drivers license, did art full-time for 2 years, started grad school, started a diff full-time job, my house burned down while I was away at work, quit my stressful asf job, took a break from school, started a new job, went back to school, started babysitting a cat who’s been with me for almost a year, rebuilding my house, I’m turning 25 soon :’)) at this point I’m gonna graduate from my masters and start my job at a clinic before the next chapter comes out. all I want is a continuation of this manga pls I’m begging ;w;

elle created a topic of Define The Relationship

How are they easily talking about Ash’s old lover IN ASH’S CURRENT LOVER’S HOUSE?? Lyle is gonna be in sm pain also giving someone else’s number isn’t your call bro esp if it’s that person’s ex.

elle created a topic of How To Survive As A Player

I can’t take this anymore can some spoil what happens for me

elle created a topic of Turning

Guys it’s gonna take 200 ch for the first kiss & another like 250 ch for their first time so you’re in for a ride

elle created a topic of Roses and Champagne

Guys I’m scared. Can someone spoil what happens to me if you know bc I low key don’t wanna read the next chaps :’D (I got kinda traumatized when I saw Caesar hurt himself those chaps back.) also idk man I’m crazy to want to keep reading this even tho this shit keeps happening leewon needs a break

On another note pills don’t knock you out that fast lolol. It usually take 30 mins—if you wanna drug someone up fast an intravenous injection like local anesthesia would work best straight from bloodstream through the bbb to brain

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elle created a topic of Gochisousama ga Kikoenai!

I knew he wasn’t gonna ask for his soul but also I was surprised he asked for something so sweet and simple honestly good character development bc he used to be such a menace :’)) now im just sad

elle created a topic of Perle

Tbh I had a feeling the prince and Cornell were working together :’) there’s no way he wasn’t the little pearl

elle created a topic of Perle

Ok but what kills me is that the gun he was given to protect him was used for the opposite reason :’))

elle created a topic of Perle

I had a feeling maximin would do this.

But also omg I would’ve never guessed he was blind but now that they mention it, it makes sense :’)) I’m sad they couldn’t have had better more affectionate scenes. Most of them were in passing. But also it’s a forbidden love so I mean I get it idk man I didn’t expect the tragedy but also I’m dumb and didn’t read the tags so it’s on me :’)

elle created a topic of Guiding Hazard

Oh boy this backstory is gonna be angsty

elle created a topic of Wild Strawberry
elle created a topic of Kami no Fune de Nemuru

This author is so incredibly good at writing :’)

elle created a topic of Toumei na Ai no Utsuwa

I WAS BRACING MYSELF FOR A TRAGEDY OH THANK GOD I think the tragedy would’ve worked as well but I love the way the author made the ending happy :’)) it wasn’t happy for no reason too… the meaning they put behind the ending was so good I’m so happy I stumbled across this author’s work

elle created a topic of Given

this is def the unpopular opinion but there’s nothing wrong w not sharing rooms/beds like they seem to have different schedules and I know it’s hard to go to sleep together when that’s the case (usually I don’t like accidentally waking others up when getting into the same bed) same with waking up earlier than someone else. idk it’s fine imo…

elle created a topic of Shinyuu no

The authors artwork, paneling & plot lines are always so beautiful I think my fave was minato talking about the “filter”… the paneling was so gorg imo :’)) I love it when authors take time to make such pretty and flowing transitions (ps, if anyone can recommend any other stories like this pls lmk)

ok I just read the chapter and I have so many feelings but mainly just painful cause I relate to kaisei’s feelings a lot :’D

elle created a topic of Dear, 00