elle May 31, 2021 5:01 am

my dumb ass self really thought siwoo might be a somewhat decent human being since I thought he had other intentions for acting like an asshole but I guess he really is just a piece of shit damn.

why do all the childhood friends always gotta be an antagonist tho. maybe i was just wishing too hard that he’d be nice which made me delusional.

elle May 23, 2021 2:00 pm

I don’t know why people get so angry at a character without properly waiting for the resolution... you all are jumping into conclusions so quickly over siwoo and telling him to disappear (ー ー;). I think you all forgot that although siwoo might have more feelings past friendship with ryeo, he also has other motivations for being misleading with the press. On chap 82, his sister figures out he made it look like he and ryeo are dating so ryeo is forced to lie low for a while... because a lot of industry insiders are interested in him (did you all forget that incident where that one actor dude assaulted him?). Like of course siwoo might not be the best person in the world and might have other motivations, but at the same time, I don’t think he’s a total asshole.

    May 23, 2021 2:28 pm

    lol idc, he is.

    May 23, 2021 2:34 pm
    lol idc, he is.

    to elaborate: he’s an asshole and i completely understand why people are mad at him. he clearly disregarded what ryo (i forgot his name) would feel if he mislead the press like that, that same “accident” could’ve jeopardized ryo’s whole career seeing as homosexuality in the media industry is very controversial. it doesn’t matter what his intentions were, at the end of the day it still hurt ryo.

    yasmine27 May 23, 2021 2:59 pm

    are we reading the same webtoon...? that boy completely disregards ryeo’s feelings from the beginning until now. the only thing he cares about is himself and HIS feelings for the main character, he does not care about his crush’s feelings nor does he care about his career. you cant even say he had good intentions because even tho Maybe he didnt intend to ruin his reputation (but even then, he literally knows dating + being gay would destroy ryeo in the industry theyre in) he completely intended to ruin his relationship & happiness because it wasnt with him. hes extremely selfish & does not have the MC’s best interest in mind

    Damy May 23, 2021 3:07 pm
    to elaborate: he’s an asshole and i completely understand why people are mad at him. he clearly disregarded what ryo (i forgot his name) would feel if he mislead the press like that, that same “accident” ...

    Exactly what i thought

    Damy May 23, 2021 3:08 pm

    Idk where you're getting at but that tomato head IS and asshole. He could destroys Ryou's whole career just because of his unnecessary jealousy act. He doesn't even care what Ryou felt about the matter.

    Killuaaa’sWife May 23, 2021 4:03 pm

    Uhm what? So him spreading news that arent true about ryeo and without ryeo knowing isn’t something bad and all? If that were to happen to you, would you say that? We already know siwoo like ryeojoon and we were alright with that but then he spreads unnecessary things that has affected his career and personal life. It isn’t even connected already to the actor who assaulted him, i dont know where u got that but i suggest you read the manhwa again :)

    AlbeCale Is Canon idc May 23, 2021 4:27 pm

    Well i guess youre half-true i dont completely agree w you. The fact that the redhead being annoying is a fact;you cant change that, even tho i dont exactly hate him hes still annoying third-wheel and its true tho he should disappear; i mean, if he disappear then the problem might be solved already ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    elle May 24, 2021 3:41 am
    Uhm what? So him spreading news that arent true about ryeo and without ryeo knowing isn’t something bad and all? If that were to happen to you, would you say that? We already know siwoo like ryeojoon and we w... Killuaaa’sWife

    Well I didn’t say that what he did wasn’t bad at all like you mentioned but that he’s not a complete asshole because his motives aren’t completely selfish (based on what I read in chap 84). After reading all these comments I totally understand more where you all are getting at (and tbh I’m probably biased because I’m too forgiving as a person in general which is an issue) but at the same time I still don’t completely think that siwoo is rotten through and through. Spreading that misunderstanding was a horrible act and I know he did it partially because he’s angry ryeo is daring hyunwoo (I hope I spelled his name right)—I didn’t say it wasn’t—I’m just curious what his other motives are and if he’s even remotely a redeemable character in the end. I don’t expect people to be perfect which is why I’m not totally averse to siwoo’s existence (because people aren’t perfect in the end and they do shit things like hurting people they care about because of jealousy, etc.)... is I suppose what I was trying to say. But I guess it didn’t really come across like that.

    elle May 24, 2021 3:45 am
    Well I didn’t say that what he did wasn’t bad at all like you mentioned but that he’s not a complete asshole because his motives aren’t completely selfish (based on what I read in chap 84). After readin... elle

    Oh wait I meant Hanmin instead of hyunwoo my bad !

    elle May 24, 2021 3:50 am
    Well i guess youre half-true i dont completely agree w you. The fact that the redhead being annoying is a fact;you cant change that, even tho i dont exactly hate him hes still annoying third-wheel and its true ... AlbeCale Is Canon idc

    You know what I respect your answer and you’re right that if he did disappear, ryeo wouldn’t have to worry about the press and loveru wouldn’t have to worry (as much) about their comeback (they would only have to worry about the fact that hyunwoo—hopefully that’s the leader’s name because I’m not good at remembering names—isn’t ok with their relationship). Siwoo is being especially annoying because he’s jealous and what he did to ryeo is horrible (NOT a good way of dealing with the situation). But chap 84 hinted that he had other motivations besides being jelly that ryeo is dating hanmin... I’m just curious what they are because I know siwoo isn’t a static character... (but if he ends up being one then that’s sad because that means the author wrote him in here as a character for us to all hate on unconditionally and that’s just sad ╥﹏╥)

    elle May 24, 2021 3:56 am
    are we reading the same webtoon...? that boy completely disregards ryeo’s feelings from the beginning until now. the only thing he cares about is himself and HIS feelings for the main character, he does not c... yasmine27

    I only said he isn’t a complete asshole—meaning he’s not rotten through and through... mainly because of what his sister sia said in chap 84 when she was trying to figure out why siwoo didn’t such a shitty thing. Like I said, I’m not trying to excuse the fact that he was (indeed) horrible when he mislead the press because he’s jealous hanmin & ryeo are dating. I’m curious if he truly does have other motivations as to why he did this. If in the end, he really was just an asshole, then I’ll admit he is. But at the moment, I don’t wanna jump into conclusions yet. After all, humans aren’t perfect and they do stupid af/shitty things when they’re not happy

    elle May 24, 2021 4:09 am
    to elaborate: he’s an asshole and i completely understand why people are mad at him. he clearly disregarded what ryo (i forgot his name) would feel if he mislead the press like that, that same “accident” ...

    Yes it’s true that at the end of the day, he did hurt ryeo (which I didnt think about when I wrote my comment... so that was something I didn’t take into consideration but should’ve). what he did was a dick move (I said he wasn’t a total asshole—meaning he is an asshole, but not entirely.. at least to me atm). I know a lot of people don’t care about his motivations (besides the one motivation that he was jealous of hanmin & ryeo’s relationship). But I’m just curious to see how everything will pan out and so I’m personally not jumping into conclusions and seeming him incorrigible without knowing the full story. Tbh I probably should’ve just kept to myself since I knew this was going to get backlash and is super controversial, but I was just hoping to have a conversation about whether siwoo will be able to partially redeem himself in the next chapters (if that even happens) If in the end, if everything was truly for his own selfish desires, I’ll admit siwoo is a piece of shit.

    elle May 24, 2021 4:14 am

    Lol why did I try so desperately to explain my thoughts. in the end if no one understands what I’m trying to say/doesn’t agree with me, that’s fine. I’m just going to hold off on completely judging siwoo until it’s made crystal clear what he rest of his intentions are. ( ̄▽ ̄"")

    Damy May 24, 2021 4:32 am
    Lol why did I try so desperately to explain my thoughts. in the end if no one understands what I’m trying to say/doesn’t agree with me, that’s fine. I’m just going to hold off on completely judging siwo... elle

    Well, I understand the part where you said that he isn't a completely jerk/asshole and I agree with that. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    This is just my point (you can ignore it of you want lol) tomato head doesn't really have the intention but he did it out of jealousy. Based on his personalities and his actions, he's clearly not mature enough. Just my thought tho

elle February 27, 2021 8:34 am

Awww I really love this webcomic... so much that’s I have been binge reading it the entire night. I searched it up online but it’s only available in Korean :’( which is sad because I would’ve bought the chapters if they were in English. If anything, I hope that either the official English translation comes out or the team that was working on this webcomic will come back and deliver to us the last 30/40 ish chapters. I realllllly love this webcomic so it would be so sad if it never updates in English ever again ╥﹏╥

elle December 29, 2020 5:21 am

hey support the author on WEBTOON even if you’re reading ahead here! even if you don’t buy fast pass, commenting on and liking every episode does so so much for the creators of Eleceed!! it really takes like a minute (or even less) to like & comment. (:

elle December 9, 2020 6:37 am

I would sell my soul for another update from this manga.

Elle November 14, 2020 2:15 pm

Thank you so so much for the update! I really love this manga~ (:
I’m getting a bit anxious about what’s to come but whatever happens, I hope it’ll be alright in the end.

Elle September 30, 2020 1:46 pm

ahhhh thank you to whoever is updating!! I look forward to the next chapters

Elle September 27, 2020 5:22 am

so glad I clicked on this manga randomly. The art is beautiful and the premise is interesting! Really looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you for uploading!

Elle February 23, 2020 6:30 am

Hey you all! Not sure why this webcomic (as well as so many others) are reuploaded on this site when you can support the author on the original published app/website. You can read Midnight Poppy Land for FREE on LINE Webtoons!! Please support the author there rather than reading it on this site. Thank you~

    (@-@) February 23, 2020 7:10 am

    True shit man.

    LadyGypsy February 23, 2020 8:46 am

    Thank you, I have signed up and I am following and supporting the author! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Soseki February 23, 2020 9:14 am

    its free advertising...

    Starsandmetaphors February 23, 2020 9:52 am
    its free advertising... Soseki

    Only if you don't upload all the chapters here. Might take away from people actually reading it on the original website and supporting the author.

    Soseki February 23, 2020 10:24 am
    Only if you don't upload all the chapters here. Might take away from people actually reading it on the original website and supporting the author. Starsandmetaphors

    honestly it doesn't matter. As long as the people who wanna support the author know who the author is and where to support, they'll do it.

    Starsandmetaphors February 23, 2020 2:24 pm
    honestly it doesn't matter. As long as the people who wanna support the author know who the author is and where to support, they'll do it. Soseki

    Lol, wtf is this dumb and selfish logic? You can read this for free and help out the person that provides the story to YOU and EVERYONE ELSE and you're out here acting like "Eh, too much for me or other people to go on a different website so the author continues getting the much deserved support to continue delivering the story." Newsflash: It does matter, because distributing people's work on different platforms causes them to 1) not get the support from those who decide they can just read it here and 2) could make the author upset that their work is, without permission, being distributed elsewhere, and could cause them to stop producing their work all together.

    No one's asking you to pay. I read shit illegally all the time 'cause I'm broke af. But in this case it's free. There's no justifying your dumbass logic when all you have to do is read it elsewhere, like how can you justify this shit when you lose absolutely nothing in the process compared to the author? Some people, smdh.

    Elle February 24, 2020 12:21 am
    Thank you, I have signed up and I am following and supporting the author! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ LadyGypsy

    I’m glad you are!! (:

    Soseki February 24, 2020 1:01 am
    Lol, wtf is this dumb and selfish logic? You can read this for free and help out the person that provides the story to YOU and EVERYONE ELSE and you're out here acting like "Eh, too much for me or other people ... Starsandmetaphors

    first of all... slow your roll, I read it on the site
    second of all... im not the one uploading so back off?
    and lastly, people are gonna do what they want so if my comment upsets you, then grow a thicker skin because the world doesn't revolve around people doing what you want. Its enough to say where to support the author. People are gonna read wherever they can get more so the only way this will effect the author is if more chapters get posted here

    Nctities February 24, 2020 4:56 am

    Oh say no more

    Starsandmetaphors February 24, 2020 10:38 am
    first of all... slow your roll, I read it on the sitesecond of all... im not the one uploading so back off?and lastly, people are gonna do what they want so if my comment upsets you, then grow a thicker skin be... Soseki

    You clearly don't understand shit. This isn't simply about you reading it on the original site: it's about you being out here justifying and advocating for OTHER people to continue reading it on this site with your "it's free advertising'' and ''it doesn't matter'' skit. That's the problem; that's the reason for my comment. People disagreeing with you in a way you don't like ( i.e. my comment on your dumbassness) is not the same as being upset: it's calling you out on your bullshit in a way that gets you on your toes. Check the difference. Your dumbness is in the fact that you're attempting to advocate for people to continue doing something detrimental when a comment like mine (i.e. telling people not to) is aimed to stop and/or minimize just that.

    You might not be willing to change other people's behavior, because you assume nothing will change even if people tell others to stop doing something wrong, but nothing's ever changed by being silent. In other words: you're dumb, and if me calling you dumb upsets you: grow a thicker skin.

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