Honestly, this could’ve been so good :’)) the beginning was so good but when Rwanda’s mom died, it kinda went downhill ;w; I’m wondering if the author maybe had a chapter limit or something from the publisher hm. Ig the other option would just be that they didn’t want to work on the manga anymore but idk… the characters are good and the plot had potential so I feel like it wouldn’t have been thrown away so quickly :’)

I literally waited to read this back in 2022 because I didn’t want to leave on a cliffhanger. And then I saw this this had around 70 chapters so I started to read it. BUT IM DUMB AND I DIDNT CHECK TO SEE IF ITS GOING ON HIATUS/A BREAK so now I’m dying to know what happens too woo won :’)) I really hope he’ll be ok ;w;
I’m so happy I picked this up I did shed some tears in the first part if the story with past Abel & his highness but the second part after reincarnation made up for it w the comedy :’)) my only regret is starting this before it was finished so now I’m gonna be dying to read every update