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boom boom's topics ( All 27 )

boom boom December 2, 2024 12:50 am

Fairies look so chewable... ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

boom boom November 18, 2024 8:59 pm

okay so everyone has a cassette tape that they need to put into a tape player in order for their memories to remain after they die. The amount you remember depends on the length of time the tape is inside? (Because Bada left Dad Joke Man's END :D tape in for a long time, his memory became super stable, but Car Tape Man can barely remember things.) Or maybe it just depends on the person, like Car Tape Man said Bada was always unstable. So the players have to solve the game, but can also become/pretend to be NPCs.

What im confused ab is Doha's memory, like was he just pretending when Bada explained everything to him? And does anyone remember what each player's cassette tape looks like? Why did Bada have to fill out those 17 deaths in the Ending Book on his own, im sure they got some endings the first times they played as a group. I'm lost in the sauce yall

    QueenChan November 18, 2024 9:58 pm

    If they all played in a group, they would probably only get like 1 end. I think there was a chapter where they can only collect one ending at a time?

boom boom's questions ( All 1 )

boom boom September 12, 2024 4:55 am

It might be an old one, but i only remember MC becoming a sword, and being super traumatized after being used to kill a ton of people. Thank u <3

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