I'm so confused why did leegang's mom has a picture of gio as a child.... and leegang's mom knows felix's mom... and that christmas special where child gio and child felix met once at a park so that meant their mom's once lived in the same place... DAMN she might be gio's mom I- MY BRAIN IS EXPLODING HERE
I really thought the explanation was going to be like... the symbol on your womb is like a portal or sumn so if we open the portal it's like the dick will have more space bc it will go to this another fucking dimension or something like IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN THIS HERE but I really thought the symbol was like a portal and it'd make his whole dick get in bruh I think that'd be better than 'he'll fuck your organs but they'll be soften up'
Ok, this is REALLY. REALLY HOT. like a lot. I just feel idkk maybe as the story progresses slowly and there's only sex, I miss a little the story having a plot too.. not complaining though this can gladly be a nice cool only porn manga and that's fine by me! I just miss it a little when there was even that thiny stringle of plot lmao but it's really hot