I read an omegaverse danmei novel that touched on these issues. It’s called “ Why are the Protagonist Gong and Shou Fighting Because of Me?” I know how the title makes it seem but it’s a surprising read.
Shotacons and lolicons should just be honest with themselfs and admit theyre pedophiles. no normal mf reads storys of children getiing r4p3d and being in "relationship" with grown ass people, stop lying to youreself youre into shota/loli characters cuz they look and act like children. you are a pedo. and i personally think you should get help or di......
it has been 2 years now, I think that I'm going through some kind of psychological problems, I used to be a good kid, gets good marks and his parents are always proud of him but at the last two years I have changed a lot, I don't feel like doing anything I even started to ignore my studies. I tried to solve my problems by myself but it didn't work......
Photo from couples & likable characters