(never read the novel) to be honest this story had so much potential especially bc of the characters, the ml and fl are both interesting in their own ways + having prior history filled with misunderstandings would’ve been fine and tbh theor is the mvp carrying the story but bc the webtoon feels so rushed the plot itself is kinda hard to follow esp when it delves deep into politics given that the fl’s highly politically driven father is the main reason why the plot is even happening which is so disappointing :// the webtoon couldve taken its time exploring themes and plot points but instead it feels incredibly haphazard and flimsy 5.5 out of 10, would only recommend this for the vibes but not for tasteful rofan enthusiasts

i think todoroki touya deserves a big round of applause for all the effort and thought that he's put through for this plan. i think out of all the villains we've encountered in the story so far touya has had one of the most elaborate and meticulous plan of all. that being said, it would be really disappointing if he were to switch sides after having a long talk with any of the heroes. the past few chapters has really shown what it means to be a hero and to have an ambition as well as how messed up the todorokis really are. at this point, it would take a god damn miracle for shoto and enji's mental states to go back to normal. i don't think this is the whole story yet though, we still don't know how touya turned into the dabi we know today. i'd love to see society start questioning their values though, especially after seeing a hero do their job. ( i don't think the public really understands what defeating a villain entails. ) as always, this arc remains to explore the lines of what is right and wrong.

the fact that this garbage is rated as 7 on MAL (it shouldn't have a single good rating at all) and the fact that this is on a lot of people's reading list for being a "good" hentai is absolutely disgusting. the fact that people get off to this is beyond me. THIS is why the hentai industry is beyond scum and literal hell, works like these shouldn't be monetized. works like these shouldn't even have a market to cater to. the most fucked up thing here is not even the story itself, but the fact that this is targeted at a specific audience. there are real people out there who finds this all of this - rape, incest, drugging, abuse, and etc. arousing and sexy. the fact that people just widely memes this type of hentai or straight up just tolerates it is more than enough to make me puke. the hentai industry is vile and this is one of the many, many times where it shows how shitty itself in full length. i only read this to see how bad it was and to reaffirm my absolute loathing for hentai and as usual, my opinion stays the same.
the real villain is the dad because not only does he discriminate base on blood (e.g. not loving the red haired girl js bc shes from a consort which isnt even her fault btw??) but he js pushes his desires onto other people e.g. he never once asked shushu if she wants to live with him and js assumed that the duke sucks and doesnt love shushu. hope shushu doesnt go back to him cuz he highkey sucks !!!
Big Spoiler
the emperor didn't want to marry the empress, she said she had no feelings for him and that would be a political benefit and since he was already with the mother of the female lead, but he couldn't marry her because she didn't have a high noble status , he accepted the offer. At the beginning the Empress was also nice to the mother of the female protagonist and the Emperor thought they could become good friends. One evening the Empress mixed alcohol into his medicine. When the Emperor woke up the next day, he was lying in bed next to the Empress and she told him that they had slept together. Shortly afterwards she said that she was pregnant.
He was devastated because he fought he cheated on the family Mother.
The girl with red hair is not his daughter. He is suspicious about it. That’s why he does not like her that much.
English is not my first language so sorry if I spelled something wrong