First and foremost, THE NIPPLES! THEY BLIND MEEEE! But yeah, all jokes aside, i really love this story. Big respect to the author for being able to write such a masterpiece. As someone who have also tried to kill herself before and is somewhat accustomed to self-harming, i was able to relate to the characters so much. Not that I'm saying only those who have tried suicide before can relate because I personally believe anyone would be able to relate to the story. Each line in the conversations run deep and are very realistic. Things like 'being able to easily say things but not being able to do them just as easily' or 'not being able to find someone to confide to in times of troubles because not everyone would understand'. Cutting myself isnt something ive ever been proud to do. I actually find it really pathetic and hateful so ive come to see myself as someone just like that over the years. The whole reason why i started in the first place isnt even something i know either. Because well...it just happened. I just woke up one day and i suddenly hate myself to the point where i want to die. And it's hard to tell others about it and seek help because I don't even know if anyone would ever be able to understnd. Besides, as much as I'd like to believe that people have now become more open-minded about topics considering mental and psychological disorders, there are stil those who are prejudiced. And it's scary to think that people are gonna start talking and looking at me funny because I've cut my wrists before. So what I'm trying to say is, Im happy that the characters were very realistic. Very human, even. The story in itself showed that there is no quick fix. That its an everyday struggle trying to fight your own demons and trying to be 'okay'. I also liked the part where a character said that sometimes, there isn't any need for any heavy or particular reason for people to feel down. That sometimes, it just happens. And since everyone is different, no one have the right to judge. I felt at ease while reading. I didnt particularly cry or get triggered by reading which I was really thankful for. Throughout reading, I was able to understand the characters very much. To bad the story had to end. But anyway, life goes on. We have to keep moving forward.
I need more! That was fucking beautiful I need more!