He's such a sweet guy. I'm so happy for him and Toma. When that scene where he was telling his mom about wanting someone to spoil you and being positive then seeing that photo of Toma happened, I almost cried fuck. He's such a gentle soul oh my god. I'm so happy for them both.
It was cute. Tsukasa kinda annoyed me with the whole 'i pitied you that's why I slept with you' but I'm really glad Sosuke didn't chicken out and had them talk it out. The dolphins at the end were really cute too.
IVE READ THIS SERIES YEARS AGO AND IM SO GLAD I FOUND IT AGAIN !!! I absolutely love this book omg like seriously. It's funny, really entertaining, Naruse is so cute and fucked up and Ichii's so adorable my god the gap moe and Akiyoshi hahahahahaha damn my boy Akiyoshi's so stupid he's the best
Why are this author's characters so lovable? Like there's nothing to hate at all I freaking love them