I am actually impressed how realistic this is. This happens to more people than we realize.

Ive been saying the same!!
It's so realistic, in fact the dude I was dating back then was almost exactly like this. He was funny and nice at first but found out how utterly fake everything about him was after just a few months. Even tried to force sexual stuff in public and then played the victim afterwards, overly jealous, threatened to off himself over the smallest arguments, etc... just basically trash human being (at least Jeongwon is handsome AND fictional )
Like Jeongwon being like this was definitely not out of no where. It was clearly shown in the beginning that he was fake af and thats usually how this shit goes

I am so sorry that happened to you and so glad that he is your ex!
I have also encountered manipulation in a previous relationship. I feel and understand Inwhee because I was actually thinking that I am imagining things, especially when he tried to change my perception of things. I felt weak and needed time to think that he was not giving me, instead he overwhelmed me with his feelings of love and guilt.
These problems seem so simple from the outside, but if you are in the situation, it's a lot more complicated.

Right now, my dream scenario would be mugi realizing her self worth, objectively seeing that she is worth more than just breadcrumbs of attention, dumping his ass and living her best life until she encounters someone who is actually appreciating her.
Then comes his chasing arc and if not, years will pass and he will realize what he lost and sing the song ´the one that got away´ lol
Genuine question, is it worth reading? Because the comments are pretty negative
No this is ass and it hides it’s ass with poetic monologue
Okay, thank you I was confused, because of the good rating and all the bad comments