I hate a guy like Shizuma. He said, he wants minato to talk things out but i think what minato wants is just a common sense. That's why he didn't want to lash out what he felt. He afraid that his childish mind and would make shizuma unhappy about his lack. It's not minato angry because shizuma was busy but he clearly said about he can take taxi instead coming with that boss and he can fix his hair why shizuma so caring especially infront of shizuma? You guys said minato is too immature, i doubt you ever in relationship. It's not because you are busy. It's your priorities other than work. Instead have coffee with your boss why don't you go and see your lover that you've been abandoned for weeks. Don't you think so? At the end, it was minato who kneeling down telling him face to face. Communication is important but discussing over something that suppose to be a common sense in relationship is too childish at least for minato. I prefer shouhei and mito. Mito knows how to treat shouhei. Look how happy they are. Unlike minato who always insecure and shizuma is too dumb to realize. I wish if author planning for next volume pls create a love rival for shizuma. Other than his handsome face, he just plainly stupid. Periodt.