I hate to say it but Hyungnim just needs to kiss ass now so he can live to fight another day
Man’s did all that internal yapping just to get packed up by a fire extinguisher
A foreshadowing to Okaya’s death?? Maria’s wish for everyone wish to come true and the only way he can play with him again is in death
Can someone remind me who Lee Kyungcheol is ?!
Even with his memories gone he still can’t leave Yoon alone
YESSSS DAD COME THROUGH. Love when they make killing/revenge a family affair ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
We got passed the friend thing too quick because who are you to yell these things about me not knowing how to love anyone just because the girl you like is the girl I don’t want?!
This reminded me when Eren stopped the War Hammer Titan from fully transforming. He said we ain’t come here to hear your trauma stories
So glad I let this cook for a while before reading. Now I’m at a point where things looks promising (⌒▽⌒)
All i can think about is their breath and budussy smelling absolutely putrid
Twist after twist omg I eat stories like this up!! I fear after this ends nothing else will compare.
All I got from this is Kibe mad he can’t get no bitches the normal way