Mangalover created a topic of Driver's High


WHERE IS THE NOVEL AND HOW DO I READ IT????? no but seriously I need to read the novel so if anyone knows plz let me know

WHERE IS THE NOVEL AND HOW DO I READ IT????? no but seriously I need to read the novel so if anyone knows plz let me know

Mangalover created a topic of Topsy-Turvy

I missed the main couple it felt like a breath of fresh air honestly. It’s a bit stressful right now but at least we got them backkkk!!!

Mangalover created a topic of Brother In Law

Bro this bitch c’mon he made it known and she went with it like what did she expect. She really said I can change him and get rid of this LMAO IM SORRY BUT SHE WAS DELUSIONAL

Mangalover created a topic of Waterside Night

I’m so happy for them I’m sobbing I need side stories so I can feel happy

Mangalover like the answer
bc I don't wanna see no real life lightsaber and plus I don't want anyone to see meh bodyyy
Mangalover created a topic of In the Doghouse

They so freaky deaky and I’m so here for it

Mangalover created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I physically cringed when he got caught. A part of me died when he got caught like bro plz I’d rather die atp. Honestly I might get hate for this but heonjae (probably not spelled right) needs serious mental help. Like PLZ HE BAT SHIT the older jingi too obv but I feel like not as much as his brother. Also if myeongi does not stop gambling imma lose my mind. They all should just go to group therapy in the end when they get out.

Mangalover created a topic of Dear, 00

I just know imma need tissues and therapy after this one

Mangalover created a topic of Driver's High

I love J.J already, Leo too!! There’s clearly been a lot of flaws in their relationship and not much communication but I’m so ready for the redemption arc!!! I am a bit upset I’m reading it too early but I couldn’t not read it it’s sooooo good!!! I’m loving the different plot it really is a breath of fresh air

Mangalover followed a goer
31 07,2024
Mangalover followed a goer
31 07,2024
Mangalover created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Any recommendations similar to this one??? There’s one I’m looking for but can’t remember the name!

I want Jiyoon and Siwoo to stay together I really love them!! BUT COMMUNICATION PLEASE IM BEGGING. if they break up imma wallow away.