2020-01-20 15:53 marked

Some may dislike it for different reasons, I know I love this manhwa because it's intriguing, with such beautiful art. There are not many yaoi works these days that can fascinate me that much. Though seeing how our fellow Fujoshis battled about the latest raw chapter21 over whether it's rape or not (while we finally got to see them give us Lemons), and seeing some odds details in Nakyum drunk behavior, I wonder if the Author doesn't deliberately create a situation where Nakyum is too drunk - but at the same time enough conscious to do certain things, in order to fit their plot :D
I myself never drink, and I will surely not drawn myself in alcohol just to know what are the effects lol; we know all the consequences of such behavior.
So I asked yesterday to a male friend of mine, who used to party a lot with his male and girl friends back to school. They were all pretty much heavy drinkers. I talk to him about the problematic of this situation (chap 19-21). I took the time to ask him even minor details about how react a person in different situations of drunkness; how that person perceive things and feels things...
We know alcohol desinhibate a person and confuse them to make bad decisions or being victims of abuse; that's why one shouldn't immerge themselves in beverages.
He told me how these girls who used to hang around them were so drunk the boys could've just raped them if they wanted; the vulnerability of girls in such situation... and how girls aren't even aware of that.
I asked him about vision senses and voices, and he just confirmed what I thought:
the vision of a drunk person can be heavily affected, but that person is still capable to discern voices, therefore to discern pretty much who is who. This is what happen when one is drunk but not to the point of confusing people.
Following this, my friend was categorical with the fact that when a person is really drunk (like Nakyum, to the point where they can't perceive anymore who's they're talking with/do things with...), they would normally not be able to walk properly nor talk properly; not capable to stand on their feet, the drunk would normally try to lay down on the floor. Then, they would soon pass out from alcohol and collapse in sleep/or coma for the worst case.
They would not be able to control anything anymore nor make decision, and this is how people can abuse them/rape them the easiest way.
Aside this, I witnessed some very drunk behaviors among some friends and even when they can't stand anymore or walk properly, they could still hear us and respond back to us pretty clearly and know it's us. So it seems the body/capacity to walk and vision are the first senses to be affected in such circontumstances. Alcohol can have different effects depending on the person. But if they're still conscious and can speak clearly, they are still capable to tell appart people and make decisions, all desinhibited they can be.
Though this is not what we see in Nakyum's behavior (chap 19-21). He was capable to walk to the door where was standing Seungho (in his imagination, In Hun), then started confessing and kissing him. All this while having his eyes wide open and in a room that's pretty clear.
A bit later (chapt 20), he exchanges sexual conversation with Seungho with his eyes full open, cries and have sex while being still conscious, while still thinking it's In Hun...? (chap 21). But he does hear the voice of Seungho and can know that's Seungho. So how come ? lol. This is what I find strange, lol.
At this state, Nakyum, who seems to be in control of his movements and isn't constraint, chooses to sleep with the man he thinks is In Hun. Though if Nakyum was daydreaming till then, it's pretty hard to believe that after that vision of the face of Seungho (that doesn't have glasses and with a jaw less large than In Hun), he still think he's having sex with the teacher.
I think that at this point, after being taken in every positions by Seungho during the Lemons, he can guess who he's sleeping with, but too desinhibited by alcohol, he just let it go...
It's hard for me to believe that after doing all this and with the pain of his first time, Nakyum doesn't have a clue about what he's doing or that he still doesn't know with whom he's doing that. He holds his partner and replies back, hear his voice...
He was drunk, but I think he was also daydreaming lol. There are contradictives details that makes me think Author-Nim arranged the situation to fit their agenda.
I'm not saying I'm excusing what Seungho did, or try to embellish the situation.
What Seungho did was wrong, he shouldn't give in to Nakyumg and take advantage of the drunk NK. But at this point, I wouldn't call this rape. Btw, Nakyum has his part of responsability, he shouldn't have drank like this.
In this, both have their part of responsability, Seungho's part being heavier obviously.
2019-09-08 18:22 marked
2019-09-07 20:24 marked
Guys I gotta remind you all, Joel is not pedophile, and Chase is not minor....