The mother appears! And Juan Yi's resemblance is absolutely striking! In personality as well as looks..
Apparently my autocorrect want Jian Yi to be Mexican. Juan Yi. Lols
Juan Yiego
After reading the comments, I feel pretty shameless... I didn't find any part of this embarrassing. Hilarious as fuck, though. Yes. Very.
I couldn't believe how much I laughed!
Same. Man, I've read a tons of other mangas which were worse and I should be embarrassed for even reading them.This one was cute and funny at the same time.
nooo i missvoted,, i meant to click the upvote,,, i found this hilarious too... >_<now i feel bad.. how do i unvote? :(
Jesus christ, my heart.
Keisuke's big sister is the most incredible person. So much love there, I can't even quantify..
The characters in this manga are so unpredictable.. it really has me wondering how things will play out between them and if the plot is going to take some drastic turns.
This is one of my top feel good manga... I always come to it when feeling down.
I cannot believe how touching this manga is. The first chapter alone destroyed me.
I love the first chapter the most!
One of the most gorgeous manga's out there.
The mother appears! And Juan Yi's resemblance is absolutely striking! In personality as well as looks..
Apparently my autocorrect want Jian Yi to be Mexican. Juan Yi. Lols
Juan Yiego