Baka created a topic of Jinx

Halmoni is still living she’s healthier than me fr! But since she is still living fine , I feel like she’ll be a catalyst to a more bigger drama! I am scared and relieved at the same time

Baka created a topic of 1 to 10

Ohno our poor gunjoon , he is so anxious , overwhelmed and insecure! I don’t want to hate the ML yet but his actions are kinda annoying, he can just communicate with gunjoon but nope he dodged his worries multiple times, acting nonchalant and being insensitive! He better have a solid good reason for his actions or else I am soon going to start hating him

Baka created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Haebom is suffering from success! And the woodpecker kisses please when can I what they have? I am so jealous

Baka created a topic of Vivarium

I need some answers!! What happened to that disgusting father the monster behind all this? And I need to see their relationship become normal because clearly heesung has Stockholm syndrome and how jaeyoon got out of this mess ! It felt like they skipped the main issues here, I need to understand jaeyoon’s thought process more and need to understand yiel’s story more as well! I hate doohon and his thought process so I need him to suffer but atleast doohon and jaeyoon had a brotherly relationship so he hesitated killing him and finally took some actions. The ending felt pretty rush and there’s still so many things they could include or explain but I have we get interesting and wholesome side stories!!

Baka created a topic of Jinx

Byul why r u such a airhead just like your mommy and pushover on top of that! Just like his mommy he needs a little praise to get happy and why did you go behind your parents back to see your grandmother, I just know hyesung is gonna flip out once he finds out about this , I don’t like this but thank god our siwoo here came to the rescue! What was even that candy thing? Why is a highschooler so dangerous and loser ugh :3 I wanna smack them so bad like leave our precious byul alone!! One thing about siwoo I think his family went bankrupt or something or something traumatic happened so he has to work as a deliveryboy and maybe he feels ashamed about this and that’s why he keeps his distance from byul :3 I don’t know this was my assumption but I kind of like siwoo!!

Baka created a topic of Touch Up

Wonjae is the standard!! He is such a green flag man and his love for sawol is soo powerful and never changing! No matter what happened he was there to protect his man and show him how much he loves him!! I am so glad I found this because I really needed to read a story with a perfect top like this one! Wonjae won my heart! He was so patient, proactive, loving,caring and someone who healed sawol!! When he said- you were always some else’s whole world and don’t you understand you are my whole world!!! I screamed so hard!! That was soo beautiful

They are so lovey-dovey and silly please we don’t need any drama , don’t let any new character come and ruin their peace!

Baka created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Healthy communication, soft love, mutual trust, respect … ho and haebom are so lovey together! I hope they never let any misunderstanding ruin their beautiful relationship and always be with each other! And mi-ok honey be happy with your grandmother, making you happy is her first priority even when she has Alzheimers I can’t

He is in such a posh looking school omg and Soyi is so beautiful as well! I hope this story is all fluff because byul deserves the best!! He is soo beautiful

Baka created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

Byul is such a gorgeous Alpha!! I can’t he is already 17years old and the new baby looks exactly like dojin! And they are still lovey-dovey and haven’t aged a bit ugh And byul is embarrassed because he has a baby sibling who is 16 years younger omg I can’t with this development! I need his story to be pure fluff and healthy please! No toxicity for our baby byul please!!

It was so cute !! I just turned my brain off and enjoyed this!

Baka created a topic of My Unfriendly Manager

Is that it? It feels like something is missing

Baka created a topic of Lionhearts

Please I want to see them being adults, getting married, them moving together and raising an adorable pet they are so adorable!! I imagine leo will be an artist and shi-chan will be an diligent office worker! I just love this story and I am not ready to say goodbye!

Baka created a topic of Pearl Boy

Doshik, The man you are!!!! He is the standard, his love for jooha knows no bounds!! He makes me cry everytime I just want them to get married and live together happily forever

Baka created a topic of Where the Heart Is

They are sOO perfect togethaaaa I can’t!

Baka add 1 photos to Love is in the air <3

Jeong-min & Juwon is so awkwardly sweet and wholesome! They kiss each other when they are shy and want to express love!

Baka add 1 photos to Puppy seme

Juwon is clumsy baby. A cute, soft-hearted, hot headed, buff but adorable crybaby top!

Baka created a topic of High Clear

They are absolutely adorable and awkward cutiess! Both of them are head over heels for each other! Juwon is clumsy but verbal and jeong-min is all about action! I like their dynamics so much they complement each other and they are just fools in love

Is this The end already? But I wanted to know their backstory and how they get together and why is haruka’s parents don’t accept them