Baka's feed

Byul why r u such a airhead just like your mommy and pushover on top of that! Just like his mommy he needs a little praise to get happy and why did you go behind your parents back to see your grandmother, I just know hyesung is gonna flip out once he finds out about this , I don’t like this but thank god our siwoo here came to the rescue! What was even that candy thing? Why is a highschooler so dangerous and loser ugh :3 I wanna smack them so bad like leave our precious byul alone!! One thing about siwoo I think his family went bankrupt or something or something traumatic happened so he has to work as a deliveryboy and maybe he feels ashamed about this and that’s why he keeps his distance from byul :3 I don’t know this was my assumption but I kind of like siwoo!!