Omygoddd they are soooo soo adorable and I am so glad about the confession but The wait is gonna kill me for sure! I need them right now this is soo good they are soo in love , so beautiful, so adorable and they are obsessed with each other just what I like! The story and everything is soo soo good
They matched each other’s freak and I need side stories.
P.s- I am sad that his friendship ended. I wanted yeonwoo to have a bit of character growth but sigh
Communicating is still not in the building with us and gunjoon the q&a session needed to last a bit longer, like ask him some more questions and sunbae needs to step up as well, gunjoon being insecure is understandable because he keeps playing it cool and actually doesn’t give any straight answers.
I am not okay, this story really touched my heart like no other. The way life works is so cruel. You come alone, you go alone and you meet people and they become part of you that you cannot go on without them but you truly don’t know how many days you have left with them.. you don’t know when this will all be over and you will go somewhere you have no idea of. This thought is so scary and yet no one can escape this..
This is what I live for star - omfg I am screaming crying giggling they are everything!! This relationship is my roman empire
Why do I have to wait a entire week for another chapter of this master piece
Ohmygod it was worth the wait, they are made for each other!!
They are soo adorable I can’t! All of them were so unproblematic and cute
For the love of god can you two communicate!? I don’t like where this is going!!
I lowkey wanted to see them living together, going on some cute dates and I wanted Ispae to be the one to propose but well still it was a very cute read!
That was cringe, and jaekyung is still so full of himself i can’t, I need some creativity with this story bc it’s giving bj Alex and dan needs to stand strong please
The author’s note scares me! Please ma’am we need sweet chapters only, don’t make us cry!!
Umm her dreams were more wild than the real thing but yes Finally!!