Dan’s character is so annoying I mean in this day and age who writes a weak ass character like that and dan is already 27 so the way takes everything that comes from jk is so pathetic, dan needs to use his brain and get it together . For now the one who needs the most character development for his own sake is dan, like don’t let everyone walk all over you please and we are already 51 chapters in with no development in any aspect wow-.-

Ig there will no side stories but I wanted another chapter of them being in peace and lovey dovey living a normal life, I’m glad pilgyun is studying and seems like the uncle getting married is kangho, I wonder how our boy jeolho is doing but nevertheless this was another amazing story and I can’t wait for the author’s next story , I already saw some pictures and it might be a singerX athlete story! I’m soo excited !

Ugh crying,sobbing, throwing up! This was such a beautiful read, I loved the story, it was mostly from byunghoon’s pov, I wish there were more of minseok’s pov as well, wanted to know how he has been and how he changed his life after his father’s death and after everything he went through, he really loved byunghoon so much and never got married ugh this has me in tears, their relationship was so beautiful as when they were friends and even their last meeting was so peaceful and beautiful I can’t !

Everything felt so rushed at the end, I needed more of soma’s character development and him loving wataru only and losing his composure a bit for wataru, the way he was so unhinged the whole time pissed me off a bit, Ig adding another 1-2 chapter would be good to wrap things up more nicely and wanted to see their relationship progressing as a couple of which was missing and I am still bothered by the way wataru and soma got together , he still was in love with yoshida and wataru asking do you love me more than yoshida is a ick for me as well, wataru needed to tell him to get his priority straight and soma needs to assure wataru . I don’t know but wataru kinda feels like a red flag to me

3babiesssss I can’t they are so beautiful and cute, tara looks exactly like seth and the other two is mixed of them both, and I badly need side stories of them being lovey-dovey and having great family time and also the ending seemed a bit rushed so hopefully in side stories everything will be concluded perfectly and seth is the most greenest and healthy seme, he protected and loved theo with all he has, never wavered or made any bad decisions and their relationship was so beautiful as well and theo is so strong and witty, this story is so beautiful with the most perfect art!
They are sooo cuteeee