The first chapter of this manga. Is there a story to it? Like the kouple in Another manga..? Or is it just this manga..
It's a continuation of Black Outsider. The characters in that manga are the Cafe Manager + his lover in this manga (Dorobou to Hatsukoi).
So seme and uke are bestfriends in high school. Uke has an unrequited love for seme but seme already has a girl he likes who the uke encourages the seme to konfess. Think this was set sometime near the summer festival. I remember that the uke “konfessed” to the the seme up on the school rooftop but it wasnt the ukes words but from the girl who the seme liked which the uke konveyed for the girl. Seme feels konflicted as it seems so real when I uke said it.( like the uke was the one saying that he likew the seme. Not just relaying the words for the girl.) summer fest kame and the seme invited the girl to go him but during the night all he kould thinkmof was the uke. The girl ask if the seme has someone he likes already, seme said yes and went back to the school rooof where the uke was , with fireworks shooting.
i mean if anyone kould help me, I would reallyy appreciate it as My dumb ass kant remember what the title was or what the art looked like.
How did Daath get that scar?
if you’re talking about the one at his nape, it’s because juda bit him to form a bond
OMG ! Thank you for replying !
Just realised how dumb I was aahahaha....