the blue haired guy raped the red head in his sleep. YOUR GONNA SHIP MA DUDE WITH A RAPIST? i hate it when they fantasize sexual assault/rape like this so i really hope he ends up with the purple hair. although i understand that it helps further the story, so im just gonna appreciate it now cos its the authors and they can do what they want lol.
i regret reading the rest, i found the korean raws, although i didnt understand it i still looked over it cos i thought this was dropped, if i had waited longer i could've just read it in english. AND NOW I know exactly whats gonna happen. i regret ittt.
SpOiL mE pLeAsE.....
nahh, you should keep reading yourself, just know that it gets really cutee.
As long as it's cute and not heartbreaking....
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Yh all we need to know
It's super duper cute!! don't worry about it, there's not a lot of problems and the ones they have, get easily resolved.
The red hair dude isn't actually bad.