That freako didn’t deserve Karen at all and Karen didn’t deserve to have met such a sadistic and cruel guy. Poor Karen really had no place to return to...she can’t face her friends and family ever again..and she couldn’t take her misery any longer. That part where her parents got her suicide letter made me cry.
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
That asshole psycho jerk sadistic bitchass scumbag dumpster hoebag deserved way way worse. Sorry for the foul language

Can anyone tell me why people are talking bad about taku? What did he do? I skipped around while reading so I don’t get it

this comment incapsulates it pretty well: http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/9517513/
you should maybe not skip around while reading or the story goes over your head.

why’d you skip around reading it? o:
basically he manipulated haesoo multiple times and pressured him into being in a relationship. it was revealed later that his initial motivation for pursuing haesoo was to get haesoo to have feelings for him, then leave him, so he could read what haesoo would write about him after he broke up with him. he ended up catching feelings for haesoo but even at the end prioritized himself. I think people also find him frustrating because he never really took accountability for his actions or admitted he was wrong. but he still gets his own happy ending, so if you like him there’s that! (: