Loved the story, hated the portrayal of schizophrenia here. Like I’m kinda mad that the narrative fed into the stereotype of schizophrenic people being violent and dangerous. Like only about 10% of schizophrenic patients are violent (and even then that’s usually associated with other risk factors like drug use, or being in frequently violent living situations) in fact: schizophrenic people are 14 times more likely to be the VICTIMS of domestic violence than your average person.
They are an incredibly vulnerable population, who are more at risk for mistreatment and often not believed due to their condition. Often times the abuse comes from the very people that are supposed to be their caregivers or support network. These negative stereotypes that schizophrenic are dangerous rapey lunatics incredibly damaging and create attitudes of fear and mistrust in the public that leads to higher instances of mistreatment. As a healthcare worker it breaks my heart to see these negative stereotypes perpetuated in fiction, especially when I see how these biases against schizophrenic patients are present even in my co-workers who are charged with taking care of them.
I work in an ER and we frequently have patients coming in in crisis, with very altered thinking. I have babysat hundreds of people who were suicidal, homicidal, drunk, high, dimentia patients, schizophrenic, or otherwise experiencing psychosis. I have never once felt in danger around a schizophrenic patient. While they may have been upset and behaving unpredictably, or spent a lot of time telling me their paranoid delusions, I have never been attacked or felt in any danger of being attacked.
If there was one group of people that I’d be worried about being grabbed, hit, threatening, screamed at, groped or otherwise sexually harassed by, it’s the fucking alcoholic old men. Every. Single. Time. I cannot count the number of bad/scary/incredibly sexually inappropriate experiences I have had at work taking care of these patients. No thank you

Like my last alcoholic patient I took care of literally spent the entire 4 hours I was with him asking me personal question, telling me stories about going to the strip club everyday, belittling me, proposing to be my sugar daddy, not taking no for an answer, cussing out the nurses, trying to touch me, talking shit about his kids (who did not deserve it), asking for morphine (just cuz

Like my last alcoholic patient I took care of literally spent the entire 4 hours I was with him asking me personal question, telling me stories about going to the strip club everyday, belittling me, proposing to be my sugar daddy, not taking no for an answer, cussing out the nurses, trying to touch me, talking shit about his kids (who did not deserve it), asking for morphine (just cuz

Just wanted to say, thank you for commenting and making sure that people are aware! My neighbor is schizophrenic, and he's the sweetest guy and super polite. He's always very quiet and when he does talk, he just asks my husband and I about our cats lmaoo.
Only issue we had was when when he first moved in and he'd open his door and look out every time we came out or arrived home. But now that he knows our voice he doesn't do that anymore.
But yeah, I hate it when media misrepresents an illness. I have Crohn's Disease and people think it just means that I poop a lot. Totally not just that.
Also, thank you for being a Healthcare worker! I appreciate you!

Oh my GOD redhead is such an emotionally constipated asshole. Like I’m gonna cry if he’s endgame. He’s always yelling at her cuz she’s too nice and it makes him feel guilty for his actions? It’s so backwards he has like zero introspection. And he’s just also kindof dumb? Like a terrible strategist. He never takes a middle ground in anything, always out here making enemies and not thinking about consequences. Even when he decides he’s been wrong he then tries to atone in the stupidest ways possible which somehow still involve lots of yelling at the MC for nothing ToT. The man is literally living his life as a 24/7 ADULT TEMPER TANTRUM.
Not hot.
Also he’s like “omg u make me feel emotions” but, like aside from the one date where he literally abandoned her in a crowd he never has any proper interactions where they bond over anything. It’s always just him being shitty to her then feeling guilty. He ain’t in love with her hes just mad guilty at himself for acting shitty and putting her on a pedestal.
ALSO THAT FESTIVAL DATE THO- this guy won’t let her walk in her own garden without guards but he’lol leave her, a blind woman, WHO SPECIFICALLY HIM NOT TO RUN OFF in the middle of a busy festival. Like seriously, like the only time she’s ever asked him not to do a thing he ignores her and runs off anyways. And poor MC who’s never been listened to in her entire life is like “yup. This is normal” cuz it is to her. Heartbreaking.
Seriously people are mad at the MC for being a pushover but, in her defense, if at any point in her childhood she had gotten mad at people for treating her badly, the treatment would probably just get worse. She probably learned from an early age, anger was literally not an option, and neither was asking for help. It’s literally a learned defense mechanism. Plus, her worldview ain’t entirely wrong. Her asking for help or saying no to people even as an adult has not been met with much success. while redhead gets mad at her all the time for being too nice, he literally acknowledges in like ch17-ish that if she had actually asked for anything back fen or gotten mad about her treatment HE WOULD HAVE JUST CALLED HER SELFISH. Or even now in this latest chapter (61) she was like “please don’t go I’m worried ur gonna die” and he replied “fuck u bitch this is somehow your fault and I’m going anyways.” Like if even that politely worded request is met with so much negativity how on earth is the MC supposed to feel like actually expressing any real anger is an option?
And the few people that were nice to her she feels incredibly guilty over causing the deaths of. (Like not only did she as a CHILD have that kind of guilt and trauma put on her, the adults in her life DID NOT COMFORT HER or tell her it wasn’t her fault. NO. The told her actually your right, this is absolutely your fault and we are terrified you’ll hurt us too.) SO OF COURSE SHE HAS NO SELF ESTEEM AND CONSTANTLY IS TRYING TO ATONE FOR SHIT THATS BOT HER FAULT. What a lifelong baggage of guilt to carry around.
She literally suicidal. She feels her life has no value and makes things worse for the people around her. She feels like the world is better off without her and maybe deserves to die. By that logic if her is gonna get thrown away anyways she might as well help someone else out in the process by sacrificing herself.

??? I am so confused. I did not think it was illegal to kiss a man in Korea?? Did a quick google and it seems like homosexual acivity is legal in South Korea, though there is not much protection for the LGBT community from discriminatory hiring and housing practices. Is this some alternate universe shit or am I just sorely misinformed? Very confused by bloodie’s logic.
Anybody know more about this?

It was said in that panel when mc was about to came out of the closet woth his parentz, the news said that anti gay bill something like that was passed and implemented and he said that he'll move out instead of saying he was gay because of the positive reaction of his parent when they heard that the bill was passed, so in this story, being homosexual is illegal like any act of homosexuality is prohibited... however it is not illegal to be homosexual in korea in real life, but same sex marriage is not legal if i am correct

I feel seen. This is the most relatable MC I’ve ever read. I know it’s not a good thing but… god I’ve been down those thought patterns so many times
Immediately anticipating and accepting a breakup as an inevitable eventuality any time you start dating…
No gifts / favors / anything that might make you indebted to or dependent on a person your dating
Accepting and internalizing shitty behavior of others as your own fault. Any rejection is your own damn fault.
Lmao imagine being super smart and having magic powers but then choosing to make mommy issues your entire personality
Fr this fl is not like other girls. Very interesting read