since the comments are back,, I'd like to say that the pacing of the story is good , and the relationship of the characters have drastically changed from the past fews chaps, so hoping to see more.
PS: I think vercike's right but also it doesn't sum up how he used to kill all the person of the night, like if he wanted to meet the person of the moon, he had to go to the sanctum with both the moon and night.. just a lil sus but can't trust the church too,, and humans with immortality pfft I don't think that's real tbh, the greed is really showing through the church's prophecy story.

I really like this story , makes me wanna have a relationship like them.. but sadly the world is a cruel place and we've to face reality.. ( hmm it's really sad to say this but whenever I get into a relationship , the person atfirst acts resaponsible but later on when the fights start and they point fingers at me saying I can't be a good friend nor a good gf or a partner. I mean both parties have their fair share of mistakes.. but none admit.. that makes me sad.)

Sometimes people say stuff like that, just to make themselves feel superior because they are insecure or whatever. Nobody deserves being called ,,not enough" or ,,they found someone better". What i would recommend when in a relationship, to always talk things out. This way u will often avoid misunderstandings (but sometimes people aren't made for each other, just hurting themselves by being in a relationship). I don't know ur story, sending u love tho<3
For me, the ending kinda felt like she escaped from all the shit. And even if se joon did commit suicide he ain't gonna get her, she's gone.