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Nichan May 3, 2021 12:45 am

I want the brother and the father to be guilty of what they have done. I want them to try to woo the MC and make up for their wrongdoings only to be thrown away by her. I want that cliche storyline to happen, because guilt hurts more than dying. I want them to suffer the same pain of not being loved back no matter what good things they do to make up for what they have done. I want them to die as they writhe in pain from the guilt of hurting the MC. That would be more satisfying than to see them die in a guillotine.

Nichan April 27, 2021 11:59 pm

This fucking bitch is really getting on my nerves.

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Photo from Hot Manga People 02-15 00:49
Spread 01-24 23:59
Big Cock 01-24 09:04
Photo from CH 04-19 16:53

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