I've never been so quickly invested in a a story!!! The stories concept isn't particularly original but that's one of the best parts of these sorts of stories. Even if they're done a million times over, seeing how they break off from the rest and become their own thing is why I love reading them so much.
This story hook you from the beginning because if immediately gives you everything you need to know about the character. The setting, where she comes from, her current situation, and the premise and most importantly her goals going forward. As soon as the chess board is set the story takes off and the pace doesn't drag. The character knows what she wants and works to obtain what she needs to get it.
She doesn't always immediately succeed but she's charming, smart and capable which draws other character to her and causes this ripple effect of change that is just so much fun to watch. I could go one forever about the charm of the other characters, the beautiful art, the setting and lore, and even the villians, but this series speaks for itself. It's a fun and engaging read and I can't wait for more. Also Who else wants to see more of the prince now that we finally got a taste?

I cannot put this down depite both of these men being absolute HOLES. Like the prince is a selfish manipulative knob head, but the duke is also lowkey kind of . . .scary. I mean the man has only a few servants in sight and the only one he does have is like nervous af. Also LOOK AT HIS HOUSE!? That shit is creepy as hell. It's dark, it's black . . . like it's the complete contrast of the prince . . .despite him being a jackass. Still though I can't resist the twists of the heart. The anguish, the dark crevasses inside that beep boop organ that present the darker shades that encompass love. The selfishness, the possessiveness and that powerful draw that these characters have to each other. It's too interesting to put down and I wanna see where it goes. I just with that louis wasn't so damn wishy washy personality wise. I look forward to the chapters to come.

The art is very cute and it's was a strong motivator for me to continue reading. As far at the characters go . . . .Other than Tori I don't care too much for them. About the story, I can understand why people say it's " realistic" because the main character isn't' a Mary-Sue and doesn't have all of the answers right away if at all. However, I wouldn't confuse a characters cluelessness with a story's practicality. The main character clumsily stumbles through the story, uncovering layer after layer of how utterly oblivious she was in her previous life. Although she's likeable and determined in her goal, she hardly thinks things through and shows little to no interest in anything other than keeping her family alive. Which isn't bad necessarily, but to me she sort of comes off as bland and boring after a while.
See in " Lady Baby" Calliope in thrown back in time before her whole family is lost, but instead of straight up abandoning them, she pours all of her resources and talents into making connections, doing research, and most importantly spending time with her beloved family members. She even develops talents despite her environment and circumstances actively opposing her. This makes her interesting and fun to watch/read.
The reason this manhua is so appealing isn't because it's realistic. It's because the main character is legitimately suffering while she struggles. Which is the bare minimum for story telling. Not having all the answer or being able to resolve conflicts immediately isn't' what makes a story great, it's watching how a character faces this conflict and how they strive to overcome it. Whether they engage it head on or let themselves be rescued, whether they are passively altering the world around them and making ripples while the story unfolds. My issue is that I keep wait for this character to do SOMETHING, because she just does not do enough to be interesting to me for very long. Which in my opinion is the opposite of being "realistic". The FL runs herself ragged trying to dig up information, but readers don't see her efforts to reach out to anyone outside her main circle, she doesn't gather information or try to build up skills to help her going into the future. It's an okay read but there's better out there.

Normally I give a reason as to why I don't like a manga but like this manga straight up sucked the fart out of a thousand asses. This has to be some of the worst writing I've ever read. I only made it to the end because of the burning curiosity to see how this shit show turned out and OH MY GOD I wish I had enough bleach to wipe this from my memory banks.

It's not a bad story. Each of the characters are portrayed as complex individuals with their own interests and ambitions. The problem isn't the story or the characters. it's the arrangement of the characters and how they are presented to the readers. Asahi is brought in as this sweet bean alpha who gets all this screen time. I figure that it's done to take some of the attention off of our busy body beta, and it works but as the story progresses our cute alpha end us sticking out like a sore thumb. He quickly becomes redundant as tsukasa's feelings are revealed and the story begins to wrapped up. Not only that, the story is arranged like a love triangle, but falls short. All in all, it's a good story but it comes off lack luster because it has a massive flaw that none of the readers can look past. What the heck happens to asahi? #cananalphahegetsomeloveplz?

Everyone else has already said it for me. She's horrible incompetent. She is the only issue I have with this whole story, cause other than her this manga has a lot going for it. It's an omegaverse with a straight couple, it's not weird and does warp the rules beyond recognition. It's cheapy looking, BUT the art work is beautiful. The main character has a job despite omega prejudice, she has parents, a sibling, an interesting but smug male counterpart and conflict.
The only things that stick out horribly is her absolute incompetence. Not even four panels she was warned about being an omega. She disregards and we're all hoping that it won't turn out the way we think and then she gets absolutely assaulted. There is nothing wrong with making a character physically weak and still competent. Giving them strength of will and talents make a character admirable. How are we suppose to respect a character whose always falling on her ass? What does that say about how the author views their own characters? All in all, it's a decent manga, but not because of the characters.

This one had alot of the things I like in omegaverse stories and a lot of the things I don't like in romance.
1.Wedges with weak motivation-- Out of the two characters who were suppose to create wedges between the main couple, the cousin didn't really have strong enough motivation to break up the couple. At least not enough to pair with shusei. Pairing is like marriage anyway. Why not just break them up and be happy. That's a big fucking life decision to make for some petty ass bad blood between family.
2. This is a nit pick but I wish this story wasn't so minimized for the sake of being a one off quick fix of yaoi goodness. The climax bits were so anti-climatic and could have been lengthened or better explained. Like in situations where shusei was in danger we cut to the next scene or suddenly it's just "fixed". This could have been a really good longer, more detailed drama.
This story showed a lot of promise. The main character is an omega who is smart and competent, proving that omegas can rise above their inherent social status and preconceived stereotypes ( Omegas don't' have to be bad at everything, it's a bad trope, stop using it!) The main character has ambitions beyond just sex, he has beef with his parents, he has beef with his own nature because he was raised as an alpha. All of these things would have provided plenty of conflict to dive deep into.
A few things I found commendable about the series was the effect the main character had on his society. It was small but there was some social change in regards to omegas and shusei himself changes. Character development is always welcomed in a story, even yaoi where it's not expected. It gives a story that layer of delicious depth. there was only a hint of it but it bumped this manga up from a 5 to a 6 out of 10.
So often the slow burn isn't worth it but this series is different. Its beautiful, its characters are motivated and fun to love and hate. I'd say it was well worth the wait to see the main two all tangled together. So sweet I squee.