lordofjams May 15, 2024 7:39 pm

I feel like this is normal for theo to start reverting back to old habits. Its his age old anxiety and concern that no one can truly love him even if he didn't do anything wrong. He has anxiety expressing in front of celphi and peri since losing them can hurt. So he rather keep it to himself. I think the family needs to start sharing their fears and move forward. Peri SHOULD think about what it would be like in the future and celphi is worried that he would feel left out. Celphis bio mum had her own bad experiences with her husband doesn't mean theos and peri relationship is the same. I guess you can see theo wants to hold on to peri because he JUST got her to stay after the contract ends

lordofjams April 25, 2024 3:14 pm


lordofjams April 3, 2024 1:12 pm

I feel sorry for him. Seems like the humans are the true evil here. Sellonia looks selfish for denying his own identity. To me it feels like a betrayal since theure close now... tan just looks like an OP pet

    Idontknow April 7, 2024 7:21 am

    Girl he is the demon king that almost killed them all and ruined their country..why would she remind him of that when she was almost killed by him and put everyone in danger again that would be so selfish of her

    lordofjams May 14, 2024 11:52 pm
    Girl he is the demon king that almost killed them all and ruined their country..why would she remind him of that when she was almost killed by him and put everyone in danger again that would be so selfish of he... Idontknow

    But seeing how a demon is being captured, how tan reacts and how he sacrifices himself for his subordinates means that him trying to destroy the world isnt the whole story more like its just the original story setting. Why would fl get with someone who was truly evil

    lordofjams May 14, 2024 11:53 pm
    Girl he is the demon king that almost killed them all and ruined their country..why would she remind him of that when she was almost killed by him and put everyone in danger again that would be so selfish of he... Idontknow

    But he is going to remember eventually and she really hasn't thought of a game plan here

    Motto May 27, 2024 8:43 am

    Tan is a DemonHe has killed thousands of innocent people. He had almost killed fl too. Tan is the last person you should be pitying

lordofjams March 7, 2024 12:11 am

I don't even support this couple. Kim dan just needs a really good therapist. Jky can go fuck himself and stop finding a vulnerable twink to bully. Like how are the supposed villains right? The ex jky fling telling kim dan to stop being delusional and jky new opponent saying he needs common sense? Idk I find jky an icky and behaviour unattractive. Kim dan get it together. Or just skip town. I wish you genuinely find someone that you never have experience like this. Its tge fact jky doesn't have a trait that makes me like him outside of kim dan. I don't see how a back story redeems that. Jinx means bringing bad luck. Author really excelled. Both characters excelled in bringing bad luck in every chapter lol

lordofjams March 6, 2024 1:13 am

Two bottoms kissing

lordofjams February 26, 2024 3:47 pm


lordofjams February 25, 2024 11:28 am

Regardless of his feelings he will try to do whats best. So i think this is foreshadowing for future revenge issues. This is just who he is and i think its selfless

lordofjams February 6, 2024 4:00 pm

He is so suspicious. Like why did he know to kill the villager in the first place? Who is he and how much does he know? Is he friend or foe or both???? Also the fact we don't even know badas backstory too... im so damn curious in what the actual plot is.

lordofjams February 6, 2024 3:16 pm

Its only been a day. The plan is out of the window lol

lordofjams February 3, 2024 11:14 pm

Helio just wants what kaelus wants. Because he sees him as a perfect rival that can better him and thinks if kaelus likes something he can reap its benefits. Bet helio liked diana more because kaelus liked her and helio failed to see how diana transitions into an actual queen because of pride and greed. His logic is also flawed. He would let kaelus drown to gain something and so i dont think he even considers kael as a friend. Now he wants hes because she is a very independent person that actually wants to help and communicate with kael

    cacau February 6, 2024 2:22 am

    I know it's not true but after reading your comment I could only think how funny it would be if Helio is gay and just internalize it, so he tries to take everything from Kael so he has no-one to rely on other than him.

    lordofjams February 6, 2024 2:01 pm
    I know it's not true but after reading your comment I could only think how funny it would be if Helio is gay and just internalize it, so he tries to take everything from Kael so he has no-one to rely on other t... cacau

    Bro it almost feels like he's obsessed with him lmaooo

    cacau February 6, 2024 9:45 pm
    Bro it almost feels like he's obsessed with him lmaooo lordofjams


    elleblake February 7, 2024 4:55 pm

    It seems that way xD but in the novel, at least, Helios apologized sincerely and move on with his life. He repented with honestly. The pink bitch didn't even when she got divorced.

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