Knows that it was jaehpungs fault and idk why he's blaming him for it and don't get why he should feel sprry...? He doesn't know them or owe them anything and did the work so how can they blame him for rightfully taking credit? They wasted his time and effort. I've been through this before and honestly its every uni students who works well worst nightmare to get group projects
It was more than the plot all the way through and it felt very real and loving. Also I felt like yuri had a crush on the geography teacher??? Was i wrong???
Oh yess yuri character is more complicated than Yohan and mogyune I don't remember his name correctly, yuri has always been mysterious in for ur love story I read it today finally completed and I get tht yuri is not open about his problem he don't and never ever talked to Yohan about his problem he was always beeen annoyed by people around him easily there is gonna be a long way to understand whts yuri's character and his story
Exactly! He was annoyed by most people but he didn't really dislike them as much but git along with his teach anyway whatever it is and his complicated relationship with his scary sister i want to know! If the author releases his story ill be so happy! I felt for yuri because actually im the eldest sister and my younger brother has one scary older sister and one nice older sis (me ) so i wandered if my brother ever felt like that haha
Yess right I m also youngest and have two elder sister with most eldest I don't have goood relations usually fights or argue but 2nd one I have good relation I would feel like as yuri feelin for his 2nd sis for being her husband gay I guess as being younger I can tell eldest annoy the most as for my view other wise yuri kinda reminds me of me but only being goood in studies is not my part others wise I'm looking forward to yuri story more