Meh634 caught in 720p followed question about question

Give me the funniest or weirdest manga panels without any context to it.

1 days

I feel like I'm on the wrong side of Disney

I love this author's semes sm. Scratches my brain just right.

I'm glad we agree that this looks more painful than pleasurable. I'm aware I shouldn't be reading this if I'm going to complain, but whatever, I'm venting regardless.

I know that this isn't meant to be fluff or even all that pleasurable for uke, but seriously, how can the seme worry about crying uke but literally just cause him pain all other times? It's not even all that nice to read, if it was somewhat pleasurable s&m that would be different, but this is just torture for the uke. :'( the author is making it so that I DON'T care for the seme at all, regardless of his background. Idk if that's the authors intention, but if it is, great job to them. If it's to make me enjoy the twisted smut, and think that the pain of the uke is hot, then it's not, it's just uncomfy and irritating that the seme is acting worried then abusive. I just feel bad for the uke and want him to escape w/o developing feelings for the seme.

The art is honestly reminding me of OHSHC a bit. I think it's the eyes and how the face is drawn.
Anyways I'm actually enjoying this more than I thought I would.


You were wrong for that author.

Idc what he looks like if he hot then he hot ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Glasses twin definitely looks better (It's the hair + mature personality lmao). Wish it was him fr. :(

Idk how to describe it but the best I can come up with is that seme reminds me of the Joker, Cha chaeHyun (Dangerous Convenience Store), and Hong Yun (Wonna Do it/Save me, will you?) all in one.

I'm confused about many parts of this story but chapter 59 was a SHOCK. I'm sick to my stomach and I feel so much for mc. Always in a painful state. :(

Meh634 caught in 720p created a topic of Mr.Miss

I love them. I needed a marriage scene tho. :')

Meh634 caught in 720p asked a question

Anyone know of any stories similar to 'Which Do You Prefer?' or 'Man with Ghosts' where the ml gets pegged by fl, and it's NOT harem or abuse? It doesn't have to be gender swapped roles (although those are great), just ones with a cute or romantic relationship.

Meh634 caught in 720p created a topic of Darn It!

Loving the premise so far but I hope it's not a bittersweet ending.

Meh634 caught in 720p asked a question

Need some good spicy recommends that are COMPLETED. And no psychological pls bc I'm fragile rn. :')

I personally really enjoyed this, and I think the story is well-written. But it certainly isn't a lighthearted read, as it delves heavily into the psychological aspect with its many depressing and darker elements. I find the 2 MCs real af just trying to live through their traumas and current situations, trying to lean on each other and give/find some sense of coping/healing. It can be hard to get through, it does get better eventually but it's an emotional rollercoaster all around. I think the journey is worth it just for the main couple, they have some very cute moments when they're together.

This is all imho ofc. I read this in increments, so the outlook might be different if you read this all in one sitting. It can be a lot and your brain might gloss over some things as a result. By far not the darkest or saddest thing to read, so don't let it deter you, but it's certainly pulled at my heart strings and is a very memorable story.

Based on a previous comment about glasses dude, I was worried, but he actually seems like a decent friend (based on chapters so far, dk what the future holds).

*Spoilers for those not caught up*

Yes he was about to bite mc, but he was able to snap out of it before that happened (seme's pheromones helped, but still, glasses could've marked him). He even had the conscience to open a window and air out the place in order to calm the situation, while also being honest and explaining the situation to mc. ++ Points for wanting to get mc to a hospital ASAP out of concern, but mc is being difficult atm, understandably. I'm sure neither of them are in an easy position with how sudden it all came.

Meh634 caught in 720p asked a question

Anyone remember that one manwha that had the fl hook up with a dude but then afterwards it's revealed (early on) that she can also turn into a man at some time of the day??? I cannot for the life of me remember the name. Last time I saw it, it hadn't been updated in quite a while but I still wanna reread the beginning :')

Pretty sure this has the same artist AND writer as Yours to Claim. Just look at the title card that appears near the beginning when you're scrolling through a chapter. Waje and Zzim-Bam.