Okamoto be the only brain cell in this cluster fuck... Like seriously his friends say they wanna fuck him and he has the most realistic reaction to that, "what the fuck?!!" New student posing as class Pres "Falsehood!" Werewolf trying to fuck him, "what did I do to deserve this God????" And then he becomes a better person without losing his bitchiness now that is a well written uke!!!
1. Bins fucking dying LMAOOOOOOO I'm sorry but I'm imagining the princess having this flashback while bin be sinking like a rock the wind in her hair as she recounts the memories of yore while bins literally sleeping with the fishes #underthesea #metariel #sharklife
2.I KNEW the vamp would be an air head but lol what kind of an idiot gives a person who has very clear revenge plans immortality?!! Watch this female rise and shine taking a bath in the blood of her enemies! Wisdom of a hundred years my ass ┐( ˘_˘)┌... She's about to wear the rebels intestines like a fur coat and honestly I can't hate her for that.
3. This is so AWESOME I love it thank you for the update