yawhi is so toxic...man doesn't even how much trash he is..you think world revolves around you??that man isn't even true to his ownself. ..nvr liked him after he forced himself up over jooin..cain and jooin had some really cute bonding moment which i loved...i really hope author takes their relationship slow but strong...dont know what author is thinking or who is gonna be end game..just dont make cain the villain i really like him so far dont ruin it...

I didn't like the past two chapters..yawhi r*ped jooin which isnt fukn right..from that to these scenes really aint sitting right with me..like thats not how relationship works..i mean its bl i get it but at least build up some emotional connection!!and this seme doesn't have any self respect like tf..give some character development to him..boy is getting on my nerves now...
I hope author develops their bond more..or give cain a proper storyline like what's happening!
that professor is such trash...taking advantage of students like that its sick and twisted....fkn perverted old sick man