SeekingSanity March 1, 2020 4:20 pm

The Omega CEO thought the Alpha was an escort, took a look and thought, "Yeah, I'll bang that", then found out Alpha wasn't a male escort, and took another look and thought, "Yeah, I'll bang that."

SeekingSanity February 29, 2020 3:27 pm

I feel like the next update is gonna be BIG and THICC.

SeekingSanity February 29, 2020 8:35 am

... but the plot needs a flowchart to decipher. I'm not sure it's the best of storytelling when most of your readers are like, "erm... what happened?" But I still like this a lot, especially daddy and gunchan

SeekingSanity February 28, 2020 4:31 pm

... when the protag introduces himself as a "painfully average alpha".


    Saphir February 28, 2020 5:00 pm

    Hahaha nowadays so-called "average alpha" are like that

SeekingSanity February 28, 2020 2:13 pm

That Alpha's pillar has probably got its moons orbiting it. Why do I feel like the Omega ain't ever going to let our Alpha go after this.

SeekingSanity February 26, 2020 5:20 pm

... where did the sister learn to tie up people like that? I mean did she pin him down or tell him "close your eyes and things will get kinky" to get him that wrapped up for her brother.

Either way the girl has this love story tied up in a neat bow.

SeekingSanity February 26, 2020 5:09 pm

It'll take 300 years for the first couple to get together again (according to the author's notes) and it'll take 300 years for the second couple to get together again (not that they should but demon jerk has condemned himself to the eternal friendzone).

Decades have already passed for the second couple and they still aren't back together. Still just "friends". Demon brat does all these tricks to keep Joong living with him, yet still can't escape the friendzone he created for himself by sexually assaulted Joong (who is way too forgiving).

Nicholas gets more action with his reincarnated lover in a dog body than Mr. Sparkles gets with Joong. At least Nicholas can pet and cuddle the dog and play fetch.

SeekingSanity February 25, 2020 2:05 pm

... I'm more anxious about blondie getting his heart broken. It's not always easy sharing that you're a grown man whose hard into Pretty Cure, Sailor Moon, and Cardcaptor Sakura. And no, you're not a weird pervert. You actually love the characters and the story.

If he has shared with others, they all probably think Blondie is some weird pervert. He's really trying to share something important to him with black-haired in the hopes of being understood.

Blondie is pretty much like, "Please don't think I'm a pervert because I have the entire special edition box set of Sailor Moon with the 10th anniversary poster signed by the artist and I have over 20 Cardcaptor sakura figurines and I've been to every Pretty Cure movie ever. And yes, I am a grown man."

And Black-haired like, "I really hope Blondie is a pervert because I want to get down and dir... ty... what the..."

    vaneella February 25, 2020 4:12 pm

    I think it's not that deep.. Blondie said things that are ambiguous and often misleading. Black-hair assumed/second guessing on his own. We all do that, especially if we're attracted to that person.

    SeekingSanity February 25, 2020 4:54 pm
    I think it's not that deep.. Blondie said things that are ambiguous and often misleading. Black-hair assumed/second guessing on his own. We all do that, especially if we're attracted to that person. vaneella

    Oh, I agree. It's not deep. I just meant it in a more humorous way. I love this comic.

SeekingSanity February 25, 2020 12:38 pm

... I completely understand the lady who put her cat, Cotton, first. I mean yes she made a deal with a demon. But Cotton will LIVE!

SeekingSanity February 24, 2020 2:24 pm

"I've been keeping this secret, terrified of what others would think if they found out. Would I be judged? Would they think I was a freak? I've been living in shame of my extensive shouj--."

*kissed by black haired guy who says, "I know why you brought me here. It's okay if *that* is your interest."*

Erm... I think there has been a BIG misunderstanding here and I am liking it. Please continue.

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