.... how after what was clearly a night of passionate lovemaking, Daddy made sure to fix all the 6 or 8 pillows on the bed and make sure the covers and sheets were neatly laid out. Nothing twisted, fallen to the floor or messed up. Nice and tidy with his Gunchan blanket on top.
Either that or the hotel staff came in and "fixed" up the pillows and sheets while they were sleeping.

Jiun has appeared and she has all her memories of her previous life. She's out for blood. Instead of appearing happy and cheery like before, Jieun is cold and withdrawn until she finally speaks to Tia and figuratively throws down the gauntlet.
So things are going to get troublesome for Tia soon.

Here's some more spoilers on a pdf (i think i got jt from discord)

The spoiler in the google thread was already posted in the comment page in more detail a few pages back. I wonder if the one in the discord ripped it from that comment or if that comment copy and pasted it from the discord. But it's the exact same wording as what a previous commenter posted a couple weeks back.
So should I delete my comment? I don't know who took from who. Did the discord user take it from the comment section here or did the commenter take it from them?

... does "I masturbated to you" count as a love confession.

Lol, for a person who's already shown his supposedly "hopeless" unrequited love, I imagine that it does. Suppose it's kind of similar if you're a girl who's insecure and/or thinks herself unattractive ('cause you've got zero boobs, you're overweight, have an inferiority complex, etc) and the guy you *like* unexpectedly admits to that.

My partner and I also are four years apart! The scandal of it all!
I like this story, but the age gap is not that big.(Yeah a 4 year gap is a big problem if it's a 12 year old and a 16 year old), but after you're both legal adults four years is nothing. The character acts like it's a 70 year old dating a 15 year old.

Okay, so white-haired and black-haired are friends and room mates. Black-haired bites white-haired (who he's been aching for a long time). White-haired becomes half-vampire. Big Daddy enters to... enslave white-haired? Kill him? Somehow use him to make his son rejoin the family.
Everyone: Oh no! Big Daddy is too strong! No one can stop him! We'll never win! We're trying to lead a rebellion (sort of).
*enter Gunchan*
*Big Daddy bites Gunchan/ McGuffin. Gunchan becomes his half-vampire who is still "meh"*
Everyone: Yay! Big Daddy has decided we may win! *pops champagne* Big Daddy changed and gave up crushing us all the time because he is smitten with Gunchan.
The End.
So really Gunchan was the main character. Their entire victory is because he changed Big Daddy's heart.
We will all join in wailing on She Li's scrawny ass tomorrow. See you there. Don't be late.