SeekingSanity July 20, 2019 10:16 am

It's hard to forgive this Ruve because we know just how evil he is capable of being. The writer revealed in a later story why he treated her so bad and the original timeline and it was for such a stupid reason.

He might like her "now", but it took only a stupid, petty reason for him to rape her and kill her before. He's a ticking time bomb. The smallest thing could make him hate her again. The author wants us to feel it's a happy ending because he's not that person anymore.

Yeah, but it didn't take much for him to be that person. I feel like he could go evil just as easily. If the author really wanted to give fans a happy ended, she should write a sequel where Ruve died falling off a horse two years after marrying her, leaving her with a child to raise and now she leads the empire and will raise her kid right with her father at her side.

Now she gets the throne, leads the kingdom, has a kid to secure her claim, and Ruve is "Bye Felicia". THAT'S the happy ending I want.

    Recyclepls July 20, 2019 11:51 am

    Couldn't you like give a spoiler warning no

    queen20 July 20, 2019 12:04 pm
    Couldn't you like give a spoiler warning no Recyclepls

    its not a spoiler we know all this from the last 2 chapters and the first chapter

    SeekingSanity July 20, 2019 1:33 pm
    Couldn't you like give a spoiler warning no Recyclepls

    But... this isn't a spoiler. As queen said, most of this is in the first three chapters.

SeekingSanity July 20, 2019 2:58 am

The next chapter is out and it's so sad. I don't understand how the Emperor can see all these signs that he cherished Athy, yet still will end up wanting to kill her anyway.

    mayo July 20, 2019 9:06 am

    Sry for asking but would you mind sharing the link pls ._.

    mioamato July 21, 2019 12:22 am
    Sry for asking but would you mind sharing the link pls ._. mayo

    It's on the discord of the Scanlator group. You have to join the server before you can access the translated chapters

SeekingSanity July 19, 2019 3:06 pm

The latest raw is hard to watch and it ends on such a cliffhanger. Things are about to get worse for the uke.

    Iamweirdyaka July 19, 2019 5:38 pm

    Oh no!! Really!? The last chapter was already heart breaking... ╥﹏╥

SeekingSanity July 18, 2019 7:00 am

Yoon claimed "You took advantage of my kindness" Huh?!!! Excuse me. How did the kid being held against his will take advantage of you?

Yoon does the carrot and stick method. And he thinks giving the carrot means the Painter should be ever so grateful. Yoon be like, "I know I am holding you captive, but I'm the victim here. You're the one taking advantage of what a "nice" guy I am."

    Tien-YL July 18, 2019 7:56 am

    The way I see it, it’s more of a status thing. The painter having origins of a lowly commoner and him being a prince(???? I don’t remember), he doesn’t even meet the carrot. He probably sees it as common sense that him extending his hand/help towards someone lower is like a blessing to them or something. So him defying him probably does more than just tick him off

    Tien-YL July 18, 2019 7:58 am
    The way I see it, it’s more of a status thing. The painter having origins of a lowly commoner and him being a prince(???? I don’t remember), he doesn’t even meet the carrot. He probably sees it as common ... Tien-YL

    I meant need instead of meet

    kaitharsis July 18, 2019 9:52 am
    The way I see it, it’s more of a status thing. The painter having origins of a lowly commoner and him being a prince(???? I don’t remember), he doesn’t even meet the carrot. He probably sees it as common ... Tien-YL

    This! You explained it so clearly!

    Mystique Horizon July 18, 2019 11:33 am
    The way I see it, it’s more of a status thing. The painter having origins of a lowly commoner and him being a prince(???? I don’t remember), he doesn’t even meet the carrot. He probably sees it as common ... Tien-YL

    Lord assness is such a dick! That teacher is a dick too,,, poor kid is gonna drown in low class dick!

SeekingSanity July 17, 2019 2:47 pm

Hopefully the titan has a magic lube that will make this physically possible. Other wise this is gonna become a horror story real fast.

SeekingSanity July 14, 2019 7:42 am

Did you see how that illusion of Nadan lured Sul into the fortune teller's room? She wanted Sul in there.

I think the problem between Sul and Nadan is that they are so different. Nadan is a "go with the flow" kind of guy. Remember when Sul talked about buying Nadan's freedom and Nadan's reaction was very "whatever". It seemed like he could care less if he were a free man.

Nadan just wants to eek out a comfortable existence within the rules of the system. Sul seems to actively fight and bend the rules of the system. Sul wants his freedom and to escape the system. I think Nadan wishes Sul would just learn to "behave" better and stop rocking the boat. He doesn't see why Sul fights so hard to break his chains. And Sul doesn't understand why Nadan doesn't seem to want to fight at all.

SeekingSanity July 13, 2019 2:21 am




I only saw a little of Chapter 13, but the artist is hardly in it. It's mostly about JH (guy who ruined the painting). He has the FEELS for Yoon and of course hates the low-born painter. In fact, he asks Yoon, "How could you even touch that brute?" Basically, he's jealous that Yoon would even touch a filthy low-born. The painter is filth to him.

SeekingSanity July 11, 2019 9:57 am



In Chapter 11, Yoon slaps the boy across the cheek and threatens to "leave his body in a well" if he doesn't paint for him.

In Chapter 12, Jelly B*** Boy is shocked to see that boy is walking around fine. He thought ruining the painting would get the kid killed for sure. Yoon whispers in the boy's ear that he had better paint for him tonight or he will hurt the kid's teacher.

(Frankly, at this point, I kind root for Yoon to smack that snake of a teacher around a bit, but that's just me.)

SeekingSanity July 11, 2019 9:11 am

The story can be summed up:

Yaoi Addict tracks down his favorite Yaoi Artist and finds out his favorite Yaoi Artist won't update. Yaoi Addict offers anything Yaoi Artist needs, but Yaoi Artist still won't update. So Yaoi Addict tracks down Yaoi Artist's crush who scolded the Yaoi Artist and seems to be the sole reason that the Yaoi Artist refuses to update and offers the CRUSH a sweet, sweet job. Then says, "Hey Yaoi Artist I'll not only give you free food, rent, and art equipment, I'll make your CRUSH's dream come true if you update".

Yaoi Artist finally agrees to update, but CRUSH (who has deduced 90% of the above) is like, "Naw, kid. Yaoi is gross and you better not update". Um, hello! Idiot teacher you do know that means you won't get that sweet, sweet job you wanted. You figured out why this kid is there. That also is probably why you're there. How dumb is this teacher? He should be like, "You need more paintbrushes, kid. Here. Ya good on ink?"

    firefudger July 11, 2019 9:25 am

    Maybe by telling the yaoi artist not to update anymore the teacher is showing his power on the artist to the yaoi addict so that he can bargain for a better position?

    DoppelLeben July 11, 2019 11:10 am

    Your comment made my day siralso I totally relate to the yaoi addict losing patience for updateees

    AduBatang July 11, 2019 12:11 pm


SeekingSanity July 11, 2019 9:05 am

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