I have such bad second make lead syndrome. The ML is so boring and they didn't seem to have great chemistry. James is a much better match.
Desperately waiting for season two. I am really enjoying this!
Sometimes I hate when they make the second male lead too cute and sweet! I have a hard time choosing!!
I am really enjoying the story but am I the only one who gets annoyed that they constantly change her last name?
Super common problem with AI translation. I hate it with my whole being.
I can't be mad at him. If it is impossible for them to have a child together and she suddenly becomes pregnant, what is he supposed to think?
Maybe he shouldn't tell her that he'll lock her away and that she's his property amd worthless
I can't hate the other girls. They are all competing for their lives.
idk lilith seems terrifying like sure be mean but dont abuse your servants to that level of fear. the others girls dont have hate from me them seem reasonable enough considering the situation
Sitting here... Wondering... Who the hell the ML is!!! Spoilers????
sir eric
Team Lycan!! They better step up blueys screen time and make him amazing to change my mind.
Finally!!! I can die happy now!
God I wanted them to say "the saintesses daughter" so bad while he was there!!!!!
I have such bad second make lead syndrome. The ML is so boring and they didn't seem to have great chemistry. James is a much better match.