0/10. Dogshit seme, definition of manwhore lmao hated that so much. I can't even finished reading this i feel like my blood pressure shoot too high lmao
I mean tbh uke is too naive, he's too innocent i feel so bad reading this.. no wonder why i put this on reading list for like 5 years "( – ⌓ – )
lmao yea i read 2 chapters and decided im gonna just let it marinate until it has at least 40 chaps (unless it ends sooner but i hope not) Kope
Gonna be really honest and tell you, chances of it ending before 40 chaps is looking zero at the moment. And I'd stack up more chapters if i were you, bc it's good enough that each chapter feels like it passes by in a second.
0/10. Dogshit seme, definition of manwhore lmao hated that so much. I can't even finished reading this i feel like my blood pressure shoot too high lmao
I mean tbh uke is too naive, he's too innocent i feel so bad reading this.. no wonder why i put this on reading list for like 5 years "( – ⌓ – )