Learned Sir better watch his fucking back. He keeps on playing around with our cinnamon rolls feelings and he’s pissing off our Seungho.
I think Seungho is showing great restraint, in both aspects of our cinnamon roll and Learned Sir.
He preps cinnamon roll for sex and is actually nice in his own way to him and does care for him. Albeit a twisted and do not do this at home way, but still.
He has not killed Learned Sir yet, he can do this with ease at any time. Considering his temper I think it’s only due to our sweet cinnamon roll that he has not and thus keeps on living.
I reread this every couple weeks. It’s so fluffy and funny. From Andy trying to break up with him on the slick to wanting to go to the sauna and lying half naked in the bathroom because the teacher touched Jesse and he didn’t.
This is just the best. Both relationships I ship. I love everything about this.