Love the fact that we don’t have huge breasted women bouncing around and flashing skin in every single chapter. Sure, we have the goddesses, but it’s the perfect moderate amount and they aren’t too clingy and whiny. Hopefully that doesn’t change! I just want some day to day adventures with feru and sui the cutie.
For those who are amazed by this seemingly 180 degree turn.
Director Kang isn’t actually an ass. Sure, he acted like a total jerk. But he was having a bad day (which doesn’t really excuse him) and his impression of our little sunshine uke wasn’t about his adorable, hard-working personality.
Director Kang dislikes people who try underhanded things, as we’ve been told by multiple people in this story and shown with the tea scene.
He admitted later that he didn’t act correctly that night. And although his thoughts about Yiyoung still remain the same (remember, his first and only impression about Yiyoung wasn't great), he’s not acting like a jerk to him. Which means, he’ll be fair and professional even if he doesn’t have the greatest impression about someone.
And he’s a total daddy. It’s gonna be so hot watching him sack that lazy dirtbag.