also this series was recently acquired, so be sure to support the author in your country if you can! i was pleasantly surprised, so just wanted to share the news.
next chapter, ema shows up but yuki handles it like a champ and itsu chases after yuki who visits rin the following day (and he doesn't really pay any mind to ema, in fact, he's kind of hhhhh and stares at her with dead eyes lol). before this, i was indifferent towards ema, but she kind of petty as hell in this chapter given the things she says/tries to do in front of yuki, so imma side-eye her now. anyway, he gives yuki a kiss on her hand, aw. i haven't gotten any sketchy vibes from itsu, idk...his vibe is just chillin n nonchalance to me, hahah

Someone asked me to repost this comment after seeing everyone jump on the director so here we go. I added some stuff since I am bored out of my mind at home right now. Idk if I'm right or not, but for the sake of discussion…
I've had this theory since buying all the raws and reading them (season 1 actually ended in December, so the wait has been something else lol), so I guess I'll just comment here for discussion--I am thinking there is some misunderstandings on both sides. I'll mostly talk about the director's possible perspective since we already know yiyoung's. I will say we feel sympathetic to yiyoung because we have been reading his thoughts and know his personality and therefore know how he feels. Daehyung doesn’t know yiyoung is unlucky in love, doesn’t know he falls easily, and yiyoung even said he wanted to get to know daehyung for business purposes, so let’s keep that in mind. I believe the outcome would have been different if yiyoung had confessed instead of doing something purely physical.
First, the agreement daehyung and yiyoung had. Daehyung's words were "I normally dont have flings like this with someone involved in my work...I want us to never talk about what happened or ask for more." Now this could mean not to ask for more as in (an actual relationship), but it could also imply not to ask for more (casual sex). I think his thought process aligned more with not asking for more one-night stands/continued casual sex. He doesn't have *flings* with those he works with...this could imply he is not opposed to dating people involved in his work, just that he doesnt normally have casual sex with those involved in his work.
So, with this set-up/agreement, they wouldnt have anymore casual sex after this one night. The wording, however, doesnt necessarily extend to sex if they were in a committed relationship/them entering into a committed relationship. Remember the word he used was "fling" and he probably was thinking, "let's clear the air, dilute the memory, then that's done." But as they interact more, they obviously catch some feelings slowly but surely. Daehyung is impressed with yiyoung's character, is amused by him (he's had to contain his laughter several times around yiyoung). He even agrees to go out on a weekend to teach him to drive and finds it amusing yiyoung would lie to spend time with him (instead of being annoyed and we know he gets easily annoyed with people he dislikes) and then offers to have lunch together and enters into casual playful banter with yiyoung.
So this whole time he might have thought yiyoung was kinda into him, but then yiyoung says "this is just business" (we know this isnt the case, but we are only seeing yi's perspective), which seemingly surprises daehyung because why else would the author include his quiet muttering question of "so this is just business?" and the subsequent scene where he then tells yi it's nothing when yi asks him what's up. Now, in his mind, daehyung isnt sure about yiyoung's feelings especially after the business talk.
Next thing, yiyoung suddenly grabs and kisses him after that whole "its just business" thing between them, so perhaps dae went back to thinking yiyoung was trying to go back to casual sex with no strings attached between them, so he says the whole "we talked about this. we cant have THAT KIND OF relationship." (Note, he doesnt say "relationship," but specifically *that kind* of relationship i.e. a casual sex relationship). BUT he is then shocked to see yi distraught and thus he wonders again, does he actually like me? Which is why the ending panel is him asking if yiyoung's feelings are sincere because these two have been doing a lot of back and forth at this point.
Also, I did some scene analysis (we all in quarantine here, I have time lmao…), so lessgo. We have seen everything from yiyoung’s perspective (know he’s soft, loves love, really likes the director; we’ve seen him blush and fantasize). Daehyung doesn’t have any of that info and he doesn’t really know the exact kind of person yiyoung is (he has some inkling but isn’t 100% sure) given they’ve only kind of known each other (using that loosely because they don’t know each other that well quite yet hence this misunderstanding lol) a month or so. They don’t really talk at the company dinner, car stuff happens, yiyoung agrees to the stipulations, they have sex. We as readers then see yiyoung proclaim he misses dae the morning after, cry when dae tells him he will talk to him later after yiyoung bursts into the meeting room, and monologue about his feelings in the car ride after. Daehyung does not see or hear any of this. In fact, he asks yiyoung if he had something to say afterwards in the office and yiyoung says no (I am not laying fault with yi here, he understandably wasn’t sure how dae would react to his feelings).
The dinner with the chairman is cancelled but they stay and talk anyways (it was not a date, but also take note of the nuance in facial expressions—dae pauses when yi does his business smile) but the lantern show afterwards allows some lowkey flirting on their own time and daehyung becomes more perceptive (I believe he was starting to pick up on yiyoung’s mannerisms here) and takes yiyoung up on his offer to practice driving. The weekend comes and we know yiyoung is flustered and daehyung, once again, asks yiyoung what is wrong but yiyoung doesn’t say (we already know why). Next, instead of getting annoyed with yiyoung, he laughs at yiyoung using the excuse “unable to drive but actually knows how to drive really well” as a pretense for meeting on personal time (at this point, I think daehyung was starting to think yiyoung was into him hence his smile and teasing towards yiyoung).
When they have lunch, we know yiyoung is struggling with his feelings so he hides it as getting to know each other/spending time together as “just business.” Again, remember daehyung’s reaction? He pulls back with a shadowed face (he HAD been smiling just a panel before) and asks “this is just business?” and doesn’t reiterate for yiyoung. He recovers by mimicking what yiyoung asked him (help in selecting from the menu) at the dinner. Then yiyoung spontaneously kisses dae—right after telling him he wanted to get closer to him for business. People are talking shit on daehyung (he has sent some signals and made some mistakes in the beginning, sure), but he isn’t a mind reader. He really doesn’t know yi super well, which is why he is so shocked when he sees how embarrassed yiyoung was (He had no idea. He wasn’t “toying” with yiyoung) as he realizes he DOES like him, which is why he tries to run after him and why he asks if yi’s feelings are sincere (I see many people saying “how could he not know!” and I find that a little laughable because I’m thinking how COULD he know at this point? That’s where the miscommunication kicks in).
ANYWAY, I really think this whole situation would have been different if yiyoung had confessed and not pursued a physical thing since their relationship is built off a one-night stand; they have already crossed that line, its blurred now, more physicality is just gonna blur the line even more so perhaps that is why with just a kiss, daehyung thought yiyoung was trying to pursue a purely physical relationship—just a fling, not a committed relationship with feelings.
That's just my musings, they both sending mixed signals so they just need to talk it out.

I'm quite surprise there are people who missed the artist's hints. We are given firsthand information from Yiyoung's friends about his personality and we are given bits by bits about the the director's from how people see him on the surface to those people who worked closely with him. And we were also given a chance to looked from the Daehyung's perspective.
But this is actually one of the things I like about a story. Subtle hints that either obvious or easily miss.

I mean I don't hate him, but it was still a mix signals from him. in every level. whatever if it is flirting with him (the director not MC) or whatever he knows he knows how to drive and just roll with it, with the leg thing flirting, the taking a picture kind of flirting (maybe the guy is totally a moron but it still counts has flirting even if he didn't know. he is a grown-up man for god sake!) so even if he didn't know anything that going inside MC head, it still kind of his fault.

That's literally the point of my comment. I never denied he wasn't sending signals, just that yiyoung also kind of did and they are both misunderstanding one another. To address the "taking a picture kind of flirting," yiyoung was literally the first one to attempt to take a picture/selfie with the director...so...the director responded by offering to take a better picture, which is a nice thing to do, he's not gonna just treat yiyoung coldly. (Also, neither of them are morons and if you are going to say the director is a "grown-up man," so is yiyoung?? He's 23, young, but still grown-up. The director being older doesn't negate this lmao and there hasn't been any manipulation so).
As I said in my theory, they were BOTH lowkey flirting here (you calling out daehyung, but yiyoung literally admitted in his head "I'll tease him a little" and then flirted back by saying "are you trying to get my number, director? you're quite a flirt." so they were both going back and forth, as I said); I believe daehyung pulled back his feelings once yiyoung said he wanted to get to know him for business AFTER this happened).
And I don't know what you were meaning to say by "whatever he knows he knows how to drive and just roll with it," but I am guessing it has to do with daehyung realizing yiyoung is actually good at driving. I will reiterate, that. is literally. my point. My theory clearly said that daehyung thought yiyoung was into him and daehyung was kind of into him, so he found it amusing yiyoung would lie to spend time with him and thus the director wanted to continue hanging with him (and if we are calling out daehyung for going to lunch with him after this, why are you not calling out yiyoung for lying about being able to drive to in order to spend more time with the director (and then saying it was solely for business)?? because that also counts as flirting and then pulling back (and if daehyung is into yiyoung, that can definitely sting the feelings tbh). Should daehyung have flat out rejected yiyoung instead of taking up the offer to teach him how to drive? Yes, IF (IF.) he wasn't interested in yiyoung. But I think he was having an inkling toward yiyoung at this point, thus he accepted.
I do not understand your last sentence. Him not knowing yiyoung's thoughts is pivotal. Yiyoung hasn't shown any kind of upset-ness that daehyung has seen or heard after the one-night stand, so as far as he knows, yiyoung is just going on as normal. y'all, they entered a consensual one-night stand with stipulations, they both like each other (both as acquaintances and possible partners) and they have to continue seeing each other at work, ofc daehyung is going to treat him nicely. He isn't over the top, but also isn't going to treat him coldly lmfao. And I, again, said it was partly daehyung's fault. but it was also partially yiyoung's fault. that they were both signaling and misunderstanding.

I agree the MC was the first that try with the picture, but again if the director wasn't into him romantically, not just for one stand, like he claims in the very last chapter, then he should have not flirted with him back.
the whole thing happens cause of what the director said in the last chapter, with anyone will misunderstanding if they heard him say it. he said "Did I do something to mislead you in some way?" this is a clear rejection. even if the director didn't mean it, it is still a rejection of any kind of relationship without explaining with kind of Relationship he meant so it is his fault. so after flirting with the MC, he rejects him 100% asking if he did something. it's not the MC fault he is a moron.
sorry, it was a typo, what I meant is "whatever the director knows the MC knows how to drive and just roll with it," that's the big problem here if he knows he was into him he never was clear he wanted him back. he just kind of roll with the other, sanding him mix signals only to reject him later. still, so we both agree that if he wasn't interested he should have rejected him but he didn't. that the big problem with this guy, he never explain what he wanted from him. I know I want too much but the grown-up man is not the MC, you should also take it into account.
I don't think it's matter if he knows what the MC thinking since it very clear he knows the MC wanted to flirt with him. it isn't that hard to get the MC was into him, just by looking at his face and the way he acts with him. and he still has the gall to reject him in the end. has for one "one-night" bs, the first one was one stand the second one was not. that's not how you act in a one night stand, and if a grown-up man does not know that then I feel sorry for him. making him breakfast is way more than just treating him "nicely", it exaggeration of care.
I disagree it the MC fault at all, the MC tries his best believe it was a "nightstand" like the guy told him too, though it is bullshit. he tries to not misunderstanding despite the conflicting signs the director always does while not been clear cut if he wants a romantic thing with him or just been a friend for work or just having sex with no romantic feelings (remind you that he was the one that ask him if he wanted to have sex to make him accept his projects without even meaning to follow it from the first place show he was into him from the very start). he never makes it clear only to reject him, in the end, assuming he means a sorting thing. if the director really cared for him, he should have asked what that kiss meant instead of rejecting him. but I doubt he himself knows he wants him in a romantic sense, and that's why it is his problem and not the MC. until he will get his own feelings, I think the MC has any right to be angry at him.

Hello :)
I'd like to just say that the director doesn't behave like your typical yaoi seme, he behaves more like a real man. We can see this in how he has his paradoxes (he fucks Yi in chapter 1 even though Yi was kind of annoying him) but he's also very genuine and honest (he hires Yi's team because they are good).
So we know that the director thinks Yiyoung is attractive, we know that he observes his personality and finds him an impressive businessman and we know that he is overall impressed by Yi.
All of those things aside, the director is also a positive and approachable person, once you get to know him. We see this in how he listens to stories about Yi's team and when Yi thinks that he talked for too long, the director encourages it by saying that it's interesting. Also, we see it in how he doesn't chastise Yi for asking him out to help with driving when he could already drive.
These two are already flirting and building up a rapport, but in Dae's mind it's a type of casual intimacy that he doesn't have with many people, but that he can have with Yi due to their relatively equal roles, their past with the one night stands, and how Yi shook his hand and was like "we'd like to do great business with your team moving forward."
Professionally speaking, Yi's team has a lot of power because they are leading a new initiative. Dae is respectful of that and has a congenial relationship with Yi because of it. Of course he has some feelings for Yi, but he doesn't see them as more important than the work they have to do together. Yi also sees the work as a priority but can't help himself.
The "did I do something to mislead you" was not very nice for sure, but he didn't know why Yi was kissing him suddenly. But he clearly cares about Yi's genuine feelings. He just thought they were doing some harmless flirting because Yi kept saying it was business and putting on his business smile.

I totally agree he is not the typical yaoi seme, and that what I like about him. I agree he is a very positive person, not has carefree has our mc but he still very nice.
the thing that really disappoints me with him is despite he is the grown-up between them it seems like he does not know much about flirting or actually hitting on someone while he doing it every time he sees the MC only to play dumb at the end. like how can he be so old and not know when you hit on someone or going beyond the limit of been "professional" or just a friend. has a Businessman he should know the limits of be "professional" and not be "professional". I know that our MC didn't show it much but since our Seme is older I thought he know better about business and pleasure don't mix.
or he just didn't care enough and thought it was a harmless playing. either way, it is his fault for saying that so I can't really blame the MC at all. since he so young and so not used to those things. I will never forget how he makes his breakfast and fixes his clothes like they are married after saying it is a one-night stand (one of the mix signals) XD that part of the big reasons that sentence he said in the end really annoyed me to no end. like he was playing with his heart without even thinking about it.
but I don't hate him, I just very disappointed in him. but he is still a good character. I think he needs time off our MC to fully get his own feelings first and think about everything alone. I won't blame the MC if he is cold to him or won't talk to him again, I actually support it. its something they both need. and I hope Mina will help the MC to not fell apart, she did say that this time with the rejection he won't be able to get over it. so I"m more worried about the MC then the director.

I've had this theory since buying all the raws and reading them (season 1 actually ended in December, so the wait has been something else lol), so I guess I'll just comment here for discussion--I am thinking there is some misunderstandings on both sides. I'll mostly talk about the director's possible perspective since we already know yiyoung's.
First, the agreement daehyung and yiyoung had. Daehyung's words were "I normally dont have flings like this with someone involved in my work...I want us to never talk about what happened or ask for more." Now this could mean not to ask for more as in (an actual relationship), but it could also imply not to ask for more (casual sex). I think his thought process aligned more with not asking for more one-night stands/continued casual sex. He doesn't have *flings* with those he works with...this could imply he is not opposed to dating people involved in his work, just that he doesnt normally have casual sex with those involved in his work.
So, with this set-up/agreement, they wouldnt have anymore casual sex after this one night. The wording, however, doesnt necessarily extend to sex if they were in a committed relationship/them entering into a committed relationship. Remember the word he used was "fling" and he probably was thinking, "let's clear the air, dilute the memory, then that's done." But as they interact more, they obviously catch some feelings slowly but surely. Daehyung is impressed with yiyoung's character, is amused by him (he's had to contain his laughter several times around yiyoung). He even agrees to go out on a weekend to teach him to drive and finds it amusing yiyoung would lie to spend time with him (instead of being annoyed and we know he gets easily annoyed with people he dislikes) and then offers to have lunch together and enters into casual playful banter with yiyoung.
So this whole time he might have thought yiyoung was kinda into him, but then yiyoung says "this is just business" (we know this isnt the case, but we are only seeing yi's perspective), which seemingly surprises daehyung because why else would the author include his quiet muttering question of "so this is just business?" and the subsequent scene where he then tells yi it's nothing when yi asks him what's up. Now, in his mind, daehyung isnt sure about yiyoung's feelings especially after the business talk.
Next thing, yiyoung suddenly grabs and kisses him after that whole "its just business" thing between them, so perhaps dae went back to thinking yiyoung was trying to go back to casual sex with no strings attached between them, so he says the whole "we talked about this. we cant have THAT KIND OF relationship." (Note, he doesnt say "relationship," but specifically *that kind* of relationship i.e. a casual sex relationship). BUT he is then shocked to see yi distraught and thus he wonders again, does he actually like me? Which is why the ending panel is him asking if yiyoung's feelings are sincere because these two have doing a lot of back and forth at this point.
That's just my musings, they both sending mixed signals so they just need to talk it out. Idk if I'm right or not, but anywayyy.
this is so cute! i like both of their characters, as individuals and together with their fun dynamic. hibi knows the importance of strength training, everyone listen to her lmfao