i hope people see this because even if i get hated i want to get my opinion out there. um the more i read the more i think. you dont know what being a slave is like? im not sure whether or not she was raped or she consented but thats so. tough! whats wrong with an uneducated girl wanting a stable life? if the empress didnt hate her she might have just not done anything. im not saying the empress is responsible for that she doesnt have to do anything but i thinnk it's all the king's fault. really i mean shes a bit scheming but if the king decides he doesnt want her anymore she will go back to being a slave! i dont understand how people still vehemently hate everything about rashta she really is a normal girl. navier was raised to be empress and rashta has only JUST learned how to read !! it's already really amazing. it's disgusting sovietshu's fault mmkay. rashta isnt thinking too much she probably thinks that navier already has a high standing so making her not empress anymore isnt that big of a deal. rashta is fighting for her LIFE. im not saying i like her but it's definetly justifiable. unless she has actively tried to kill someone or frame someone or rape and i just dont remember, i really cant hate her. i feel bad for her but,. the king ugh just cut off his dick

No we hate rasha because she’s doing unnecessary actions. She stopped having to fight for her life when his majesty gave her a title. As soon as he stops being interested in, which we already know he is. She’ll go back to her new property due to her title. Also the empress didn’t hate her till the emperor made her do things for rasha. Before the empress was indifferent to rasha and her relationship but the emperor and rasha crossed numerous lines. Like what mistress goes to the wife and says we’re sisters now because we have the same husband. Even if there was no love in their relationship there was respect. Both the emperor and rasha disrespected her and her relationship multiple time. Rasha also started the rumor that almost got someone killed

Absolutely all of this. Rashta comes from a horrible place. Being a slave means your entire existence is someone elses whim. If prisoners are unable to consent to sexual relationships with guards(spoilers that is rape based on power dynamic alone) why would a lowly slave be any different. She's a pitiful individual trying desperately to survive(I'm not saying I like her but her motive and intents make sense ffs) and not end up right back a slave with no control or power over her own life. Frankly the real happy ending would be Rashta and the Empress leaving that trash male.
Also ffs reading and understanding complex power structures so soon after learning to read and write as a grown adult? Girls practically a miracle to be able to accomplish that. Learning a written language is hard as heck.
Beng perfectly frank the real villain in all this is Soviushu. He has the power to end slavery and make his affections clear. But instead he thinks the women around him should all orbit him and that he is entitled to being loved.
So yah.

Rashta literally hates navier for navier not wanting to be friends with her, like come on plus pls do not forget that she literally framed naviers brother for trying to kill her baby when he did nothing wrong, he got exiled for her pettiness, are we also forgetting all the time she played the victim and went to sovieshu crying telling him navier was "bullying " her or when she outright stalked navier and copied navier ,when she made a fool out of navier by copying her dress at the ball and humiliating her,when she wanted to cling on sovieshit and go together with him on naviers birthday trip even though she knew navier wouldn't want that, or when she could have supported or atleast taken responsibility for her child but she just abandoned it and got angry at her ex lover for talking about her child........You can pity her all you want but her traumat doesn't excuse her messed up pathetic actions and she should equally take accountability for her wrongdoings and the hurt she caused others.

ruined the Duchess life, and got Navier’s brother banished. Also she abandoned her child to live the rich life. She stopped being a victim fighting for her along time ago. But most of the blame I have to fault on the emperor. The emperor is the only one that can never be justified. They both still suck.

shes insecure. even if she hates navier what did she do to her? anyway maybe it's wrong for her to think they could be like sisters but the emperor was always able to take concubines. in her point of view, it's not like hes cheating on the empress. also um im pretty sure navier's brother did put abortion pills in her food? she abandoned her child? yea duh thats bad. do you want her to retrieve her child and take the chance that the king will directly punish her and demote her? like i said, im not saying i like her but what she does is only a bit worse than any normal person would. what do you mean homewrecker? theyre royalty. they were never gonna be monogamous. obviously today it would be different but it's not today? also, if the emperor made the empress do stuff for her it's rashta's fault? it's clearly the emperor's fault too if rashta crossed multiple lines. like shes clearly a uneducated slave who's never learned decorum, and the king doesnt want her to learn because he likes having a dumb 5 year old around. because hes a man. she never got educated but she even worked hard to read. it's really not easy? how old is she now? i mean, just way past the age for learning. she's worked hard and even if shes very dislikable a lot of the time it's really hardly her fault.

Urgh please stop, what I really hate the most is she's playing a victim everytime. Like tf? And how many times she was given a lesson that she should call navier as her majesty, why would she cover the position that's not even hers. Please stop, her past traumatic events had nothing to do on her current schemes. She wants her child to be recognized as a prince even though they already explained that a baby born out of concubine won't recognised as a prince only the empress children. She's well loved by the emperor why does she have to ruin navier. Don't justify her current actions base on her past. That's different story. Being concubine of the emperor is already an honor for her as a slave. But she's scheming and a bitch. Navier doesn't care if how many concubines is there is. Since thats part of the royalty. The problem is she's keeping bothering navier. Copying her dress, her moves, and calling her sister. Stop that's disgusting. She's pitiful really before. But her current actions made us hate her.

She still shouldn't have felt threatened by navier cuz navier didn't even give a shit about rashta she outright ignored her.If rashta had done the same none of this would have happened she already had the emperors love, a child,and the commoners opinion what else did she need .she didn't have to do all that scheming but she still did because of that petty inferiority complex of hers either way you can't justify what she did.

Thank you navier never gave a flip about her. She has been training to be empress since the day she was born, she already knew he might take a mistress. Rasha has a good life as a mistress but because she’s selfish and greedy she has to ruin others for her happiness. If she didn’t cry and manipulate people then we wouldn’t have a problem with her. We only would have hated the pos emperor. But her being a slave previously doesn’t excuse her behavior in the slightest. Like she has no excuse for her actions. She’s using her baby to manipulate the emperor to make her empress. Plus that’s probably not even his baby. That ones just speculation. But for the author to emphasize that navier is infertile that many times suggest that she will have a child with her new husband. That ones off topic but I just wanted to see what people thought about that.

Again folks you need to remember she became not a slave on one mans whims. What's to say said man losing interest won't just send her right back from her pov. It's like she moved out of hell a place where she was raped likely multiple times and treated as subhuman, suddenly she gets to be a person and have hopes and dreams. Only it's all predicated upon the whims on one fickle shit head who by all indications has zero intent to outlaw slavery. So ofc she's insecure and making horrible decisions. She's trying to avoid a very real(to HER) threat of being used as a play thing and thrown right back to the hell of being a slave.
None of this is to say she's some flawless person. She's pretty awful in ways but it's understandable when you consider circumstances WHY she thinks and acts the way she does. I mean hell the emperor goes out of his way to try and hide she was a slave. As if having been a slave was somehow a personal moral failing. Soviushu and I dare say even Navier(it's clearly shown that as Empress she does have some degree of authority and control) to a lesser degree are horrible people for failing to destroy literal slavery.

Again, her being a slave has nothing to do with her greediness and playing victim manipulator. Why would navier be a threat to her when navier doesn't even give a fuck about her. She's using her belly to ascent to throne. Even stupidest person on earth will follow on what instructions have said to follow but rashta has a thick face. The empress doesn't give a fuck about her so why would she manipulate everyone . There's a lot of slave, but they know they shouldn't touch the empress. But rashta is using her beauty and love from emperor to manipulate everyone. Urgh... Her baby don't deserve her

shes supposed to know that navier doesnt care about her? being paranoid and coming from slavery? you think shes manipulating the emperor? lol... who is the emperor? you think he can be manipulated by a slave? the emperor is using her for her baby too. he needs and heir and is letting her be empress for a year and then directly demoting her.... shes paranoid thats why shes manipulating, if you can even call it that. so pointless to keep hating her when it's the emperor's fault

copying her dress and moves and calling her sister is... disgusting? maybe it's... annoying and unnecessary. thats your internalized misygony speaking. ofc shes annoying and dumb but that doesnt make her disgusting. what do you mean her "past traumatic events had nothing to do on her current schemes",, pardon?? what kind of education have you recieved? you know how much upbringing affects a person's personality and mental state? oh my god

I’m not saying that they are not hand and hand. I’m saying neither is okay. Just because you have been abused doesn’t give you the right to ruin other people’s lives. Yes most of the reasons we hate rasha are connected to the emperor but she still has her own problems. No one is excusing the emperor’s behavior. If you were abused as a child and murders there abuser, some people will hate you and some people can sympathize with you. Because what you still did something that was morally wrong in some peoples eyes and right in others. Obviously what rasha did is morally wrong in the eyes of everyone that opposes you @honeylemonsoda, that’s not internalize misogyny, it’s just what we believe is morally unexceptional. Obviously we have different morals, that doesn’t make either of the argument invalid. Again we are NOT clearing the blame on the emperor. We still are not gonna agree that nothing rasha does is her fault. I think we should all agree to disagree on this point cause it’s getting heated on this post.

oho well im glad that the reason she was so good was because she was such an intense fan and such and not because her old world taught everything and she had a natural advantage just by being from another world it's not that big of a difference but it always bugged me a bunch it's like they get things without even working for it. anyway her character is kinda iffy sometimes she comes on too strong and when she calls claires friends lackeys it gives me a bad feeling but overall i like itttt
i wanted to like this so bad because the art is insanely good but im not into the story at all ╥﹏╥