QuirkyGirl22 August 2, 2019 3:58 pm

The shackle was just a buckle. It didn't even have a lock on it. And the stalker left the house and went shopping. What was stopping him from undoing the buckle and leaving? Or even walking over to the phone and calling the police? I just... I can't...

QuirkyGirl22 July 23, 2019 3:40 pm

Alright, time to reveal myself as a real dumb-ass:

Can anyone help me understand Sudou's story-line? I just reread the entire manga, and I still don't really get it. He has a massive crush on Asami, so he goes behind his back and sells some of Asami's goods to a Russian group? I think? And then seems surprised that Asami doesn't trust him anymore? He attacks Akihito, partly because Akihito exposed him and partly because he's jealous as shit about Akihito's relationship with Asami, and then he's surprised Asami looks at him with disgust? He's surprised when other people have to keep reminding him that Asami is NOT going to save him from the Russians? That Asami has washed his hands of him?

Did I miss something? I kinda get that Sudou is supposed to be a little obsessed with Asami (I think? Right?), but does he really think that he can betray him and hurt his lover and Asami would be fine with that? I must be misunderstanding something...

    J Unleashed July 23, 2019 6:55 pm

    Sudou desired three things: money, power, and Asami Ryuichi... in that order. He grew up poor, but used his good looks to climb the social ladder. Asami took notice of his rapid ascent and thought Suodu's ambitious nature, resourcefulness, and cleverness were qualities that could be useful, so he gave Sudou a position as a fixer- someone who fixes his clients' "troublesome" (read: illegal) problems. In return, Sudou would benefit by receiving "gifts" from grateful clients that could help his way up the social ladder.

    The problem occurred when Sudou became greedy and wanted everything NOW. He used his position to take on extremely risky, but immediately more profitable, illegal ventures. Apparently Sudou received a tempting offer to do some work for the politician Kouyama. Kouyama was actively being investigated for embezzlement of public funds (which Sudou didn't know at first), but he was also involved in far worse things- like an East European mob (which we now know is Chernobog). Kouyama wanted to steal Asami's very profitable weapons smuggling route. I don't think Sudou knew in the beginning that Kouyama was working toward Asami's ruin. Then Kouyama discovered he himself was being used as a pawn in a greater game. Instead of him gaining the route, it would be Chernobog. Chernobog pressured Kouyama, who in turn pressured Sudou, into stealing from Asami. Sudou realized he had made a mistake, but he believed he was in too deep at that point to back out.

    Mikhail used Sakazaki, who used Mitarai (Akihito's photojournalist colleague), to publicly expose Sudou's connection to Kouyama. This gave Asami warning which spoiled Chernobog's chances of gaining possession of a large weapons shipment. It also killed any possible future Sudou had with working for Asami.

    Sudou admired Asami, and at first, only wanted to be acknowledged and to be a part of Asami's inner circle. Eventually he realized he had fallen in love with him. The deeper he got involved with the other group, the farther he was pushed away from Asami. On top of all that, Sudou realized that Akihito, who he thought at first was an insignificant gold digger enjoying his "5 minutes" of being Asami's favorite toy, was actually Asami's treasured lover. The pressure of being forced to betray the one he loved-- who was increasingly regarding him with distaste, and being obvious about loving someone else-- caused Sudou to go over the edge.

    Anyway, that's my understanding. Corrections/further insight is encouraged.

    QuirkyGirl22 July 24, 2019 1:40 am
    Sudou desired three things: money, power, and Asami Ryuichi... in that order. He grew up poor, but used his good looks to climb the social ladder. Asami took notice of his rapid ascent and thought Suodu's ambit... J Unleashed

    Oh, sweet Jesus, thank you.

    It seems like it took me forever to understand what happened between Asami and FeiLong (and I'm not totally confidant about that either...), but I was completely lost as to Sudou. Every time he seemed to get upset about Asami, I kept thinking, "You didn't see that coming? This is a surprise to you?!?"

    Having it be his own greed that spiraled into something out of his control makes so much sense. I'm in your debt.

QuirkyGirl22 July 14, 2019 1:59 pm

Honestly, I would be fine with FeiLong hooking up with Mikhail if there wasn't for one little issue...


Sure he was secretly working for Asami throughout the Truth in the Viewfinder Arc, but he fell in love with FeiLong. He didn't want to leave FeiLong, and, when his betrayal was uncovered, he asked FeiLong to be the one to kill him because "This is the only way, for one whose heart was stolen by you."

Of course, he's also the one who drove FeiLong to the hotel where FeiLong ended up having sex with Mikhail, and it was stated he'd been kicked out of the organization, so maybe I missed something? Or, FeiLong just doesn't return Yoh's feelings. But me, I love a good bodyguard crush ~.^

    Northwest July 14, 2019 6:59 pm

    I'm going to be cheering Yoh on till he wins Feilong!

QuirkyGirl22 July 7, 2019 2:54 pm

Can I just say that I'm all for the fact that Asami and Akihito legit love each other & genuinely want to be together? I know that love isn't always enough & Asami being a leader in organized crime plays a HUGE factor in their relationship, but it's nice to see that these two honestly care for one another. They fight for each other and Asami even sent Akihito away to try to protect him. It didn't work, but it's the thought that counts :)

I mean, I can't see their relationship working out unless one of them makes a huge concession, totally at odds with their personality. Like Akihito turning into a quiet little pet that stays out of the way or joining Asami's organization, or Asami leaving organized crime and becoming a legitimate businessman, which would leave a giant black hole in the structure and, let's be honest, his enemies would never allow it. Maybe if they both faked their deaths and ran off to America...

Anyway, however it all plays out, it's a nice thing to know.

    Pidapipo July 7, 2019 3:14 pm

    Just my two cents, but have you ever considered that maybe there won’t be a conventional happy ending for these two? I mean, obviously before this event Akihito settled down for a while to almost a housewife, and he didn’t find it too revulsive, but I can’t imagine him being content with doing that for a life time. Maybe at one point they will be back to the chasing game, rinse and repeat, and such a dynamic relationship is definitely gonna entice and capture Asami’s heart :p

    QuirkyGirl22 July 7, 2019 5:13 pm
    Just my two cents, but have you ever considered that maybe there won’t be a conventional happy ending for these two? I mean, obviously before this event Akihito settled down for a while to almost a housewife,... Pidapipo

    That's absolutely an option, and one I wouldn't be surprised to see happen. Thank you for your kind reply!

    J Unleashed July 8, 2019 6:35 pm

    I don't know if Sensei intends to apply real world problems/solutions here, but it does seem that both Asami and Akihito are respecting and accepting who and what each other are. Trying to change to be what someone else wants never ends well. Asami, at least, is pretty adamant about preserving who Akihito as is, which is why he told him to go ahead and do whatever he was going to do, even if hurt his business (and also, he was pretty sure he could mitigate any damage Akihito caused).

    It's too bad that Akihito is always on edge concerning their relationship, but in the same respect, his doubts also keep Asami on edge... which makes for an interesting dynamic.

    QuirkyGirl22 July 9, 2019 1:58 pm
    I don't know if Sensei intends to apply real world problems/solutions here, but it does seem that both Asami and Akihito are respecting and accepting who and what each other are. Trying to change to be what som... J Unleashed

    You're right. Asami never seems too worried about any damage Akihito might cause and Akihito seems to have turned more towards a "I'll take out everyone but you, I'll use my talents to watch your back" kind of mindset.

    When I wrote the original post, I think I was in more of a real world mindset instead of a VF mindset.

    Thank you for your kind response!

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