This was simultaneously the best and worst thing ever. And yes, our boys finally said they love each other (in a horrible, wonderful death-bed confession type of way that they better not try to take back when they recover or I will FLIP my SHIT), but we cannot forget the other points of this chapter:
* Mikhail delivering this gem
Yuri: (smug piece of shit) Are you going to shot me?
Mikhail: (BOOM, HEAD SHOT)
* Also, Mikhail just, casually posing with his jacket over his shoulder, while an attack helicopter bears down on them
* Asami's resolve wavering, his last thoughts about Akihito, then he realizes his boy is in trouble and suddenly he can take out an entire room full of mooks. POWER OF LOVE, BITCHES
* And the last, but most important piece of information we have to take away from this chapter, if we remember nothing else - Asami has a tie with butterflies on it. I repeat, Asami has a butterfly tie, and he wore it to a shoot-out. Thank you, that is all.

If you were captured by one of the baddies, and were NOT lucky enough to be born Takaba Akihito, who would you want and why?
I would want Mikhail because he, at least, is the only one who doesn't force Akihito. He does feel him up (which is not cool), but I feel like that's more about getting under Yuri's skin, rather than any kind of sexual interest in Akihito. Also, when he walks in on Yuri getting handsy with Akihito, he puts a stop to it. He knows the value of his hostage and doesn't dick around (take that whichever way you want).

I totally get you. Mikhail so far seems to be the only boss who is not a rapist. Yes, he touched Aki but even Yuri said Mikhail is not interested in him.

I read in some place that Akihito got captured again in the new chapter
Someone might molest him to add to the story
Like a vicious cycle ya know

If that happens that is real boring tbh....

Well it IS a Yaoi ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ there is a certain level of action (sex) the audience expects. So sensei works it into the story and yes as it's not happened for a while - it MIGHT happen here. And that is A OK because it's a yaoi and we already KNOW the premise of this story (Aki is irresistible to crime lords!)
- She even apologised in her blurb at the end of volume 9 because there isn't any sex in it.

Seriously, when they were kids, Luke and Jeremy looked relatively the same age and were roughly the same size. Six years later, Luke looks like a young man and Jeremy still looks like a frail pre-teen. Also, his scar kept appearing and disappearing.
That being said, Jeremy is a precious angel who must protected at all cost. And, hey, MAJOR shout-out to the father who didn't agree with his son's choice but would rather Luke be happy! (✿◠‿◠)

I loved it so much. It is the perfect blend of comedy, romance, and drama.
I knew there was more to Pablo, he showed up too many times, but when he was revealed to be a were-chihuahua, I just about died with laughter. The big eyes always hit the right comedic notes and I laughed every time I saw them.
I don't know if it's just me, or even just what I'm feeling in this moment, but Ein and Diesel/Leto's story struck me as a little bitter-sweet. Like, yeah, they faked his death and now he has to leave everything behind and live in the wilds of Saint Petersburg, but at least they're together. I dunno, I guess I just really enjoyed the friendship between the four of them, especially Bexan and Diesel/Leto, and am kind of sad to think that's over.
In the end, everyone gets to be with the one they love, and I guess that's what's really important.
But seriously, are all werewolves homosexuals?

Yeah, I kinda found Ein and Diesel part to be kinda bittersweet but at least 1. none of them died 2.they're finally together, and 3. they're living around some pretty powerful allies.
I was also kinda sad that the pair of couples won't meet anymore cause I really enjoyed the freindship between Diesel and Bexan. That was until I remembered the last part of this specific chapter http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/wolf_in_the_house/nmt/iur_chapter-74/pg-15/
That shows that Diesel took a selfie with a recently rescued unconscious Ein and sent it to Bexan which means that they still will probably stay in contact. That made me really happy.

Going to be completely honest here. I was excited when I saw there was an update, but when I saw it was a filler, I was like, "MotherHUMPER...!"
But this was so funny! Asami being so chill when Akihito ran away from home (He said home! He said home!) but LOSING IT when he saw Akihito was with Fei Long. Fei Long going from creepy, obsessed enemy to weird friend who wouldn't mind hooking up with one or both, but is also invested in their relationship. The return of hot BDSM sex. Finally, that perfect "oh, shit!" face and Asami actually apologizing! ლ(´ڡ`ლ) I loved it all.

This was great, just beautiful. If I had a complaint, it's that the first and second couples looked a little too similar. It took me a second to realize this wasn't a flashback for the first couple.
But the compliments? Where do I start? Each story was touching, but the third one broke me . Two sad and lonely people coming together to find happiness. I appreciate the fact that the seme actually looks like an older man.
I want so much more of all three couples. A million bajillion stars
Dear GOD do they need therapy. Seriously, seek help. I adore them, but really.
And you know what? Heesoo and Dojun need therapy as well. I'm out here like Oprah. "YOU need to go to therapy! YOU need to go to therapy! EVERYBODY NEEDS TO GO TO THEEEEEERRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPYYYYYYYY!"