Omg, no! Don't say thaaatttt, waaaaaahhhhhhh that's the biggest plot twist if that ever happens. And then chiwoo will somehow hate Hwan because he killed his parents. Omg! Idkidkdidk I don't want to think about anything sajsjskshjshs
Omg, no! Don't say thaaatttt, waaaaaahhhhhhh that's the biggest plot twist if that ever happens. And then chiwoo will somehow hate Hwan because he killed his parents. Omg! Idkidkdidk I don't want to think about... Shinya Hiragi :))
Yessss that's what I was thinking!!! Like Chiwoo is gonna find out and Hwan is gonna be all like "I did it for you. For us" type of shizz haha're prego