How can someone be so f-ing insane? Not him separating himself from the situation and acting like it was not his baby that died too… someone who went through such a traumatic childhood and having love for someone’s children is not capable to think that it’s not a random lady crying over her dead child??? It’s not him acting like he doesn’t understand the feeling of losing a someone valuable when his childhood friend went missing during his childhood and he planted violet flowers in remembrance. He is walking garbage, the author should have gone with the other sh*tty excuse like he was under a spell because otherwise the author can’t expect us to start liking this ML with these lame excuses. ML is also a jerk, he didn’t care about the origFL until she came out pregnant. Otherwise, stealing a lady’s virginity and only marrying her because you left evidence is very shitty especially based on a 1800’s fantasy story. Oh, and disliking her because she had purple eyes. My man, she can’t help having them, can’t she? Something is telling that if that baby was born with purple eyes then this jerk would’ve treated it with discontent as well until his childhood friends say something. So one dimensional and self centred.

Throwing a wooden sword with all your might towards a little girl due to jealousy towards your little female cousin... that's messed up. Our MC is even smaller than those her age... wow. Those stupid kids. Plus it seems they don't really learn their lesson when they grow up- I'm assuming from my impression of the first chapter.

Have the king develop an uncurable STD, die of it plus take their kingdom if possible and for the double-face of a side chick that is the current queen to be imprison in a rundown cell with bad prison service. Idk to be honest- at least their fairy-tail "love" ended very quickly as expected from the pair of cheating female dogs.

Don't tell me one/a few of the MLs are still in the womb...( ̄∇ ̄")

they either haven't born or are toddlers. The og FL is still a toddler and these men are her suitors so if they were to be grown men rn...they would be grandpa's by the time the og FL became an adult. They are either older than her or younger (the younger ones still being in the womb) bc they have to close in age...otherwise that would be a major plot hole.

I came here for the cutiepie on the picture of the story and ended up witnessing a murder attempt... the f... XD

... like where's the father of FL?! Is he part of this cult-like church and that's why he allowed them to drug his kid?! Or is he being blackmailed??? What's going on??? Like is he aware of the attempted murder?? I mean he's supposed to be the only one to know about her core's location... I'm confused... confused . com
Such a cute kid! I hope she isn’t too spoiled or weirdly and overly smart for their age!