Mangago admins can take the chapters, hell they can take everything down if they think it's necessary. You think they do not keep tabs on controversy at ll? The illegal sites police is annoying as hell.
I read everything I can legally, but come to here to read others, with no official tranlations/not available in my country/etc. Art, is copied, shared, be it paintings, music, books, movies. A lot of people come here and go search for the legal means when available for them, we purchased physical copies and share with friends, music and movies have been downloaded for years, and the industry started to think differently, and change the midias where they show works. Here it's ilegal yes, but there are works that gained notoriety thanks to this, and there are authors that even personally post their works here for people to know. I guess it's a question of approach. In my time, I used to receive copied VHS tapes and photocopied manga by mail(yes, I'm that old). I'm not deadly broke or a student now, but it's not cheap to keep things up to date with the hobbies, but I try, because I am a self employed in culture person and understand the struggles of the artist the most. Take streaming like Netflix for example, people stopped the illegal downloads, because it's easy and cheap, it's time to the reading online platafforms and artists agencies and publishing companies wisely change their views and facilitate their art!
Hongyeon is ridiculous too come on, the pinky is half his size... This "for the sake of plot i'll let him drag around to cause a misanderstanding and jealousy' is sooooo oversused
The Douche and The Dumb Love(?) Story