Gehh. I've read it until chapter 26, and I can draw a conclusion. This man named Kiyon has a very itchy anus, he is very slutty for a man. I thought this was one of those romantic ghost topic webtoon, but it turns out it's about a slut with an innocent look.
Covering up his perverted brain with acting so stupid, it makes me want to vomit. Acting as if you don't want to be raped, but actually itching to be raped. Wtf
Hum, actually I'm interested with the storyline...it's quite interesting. But they made the story worse, too many sex scenes. In my opinion, that's ruined the storyline, this should have been an exciting story, but it turned into a story full of hot scenes. It's a shame, I like unique stories, not dirty stories. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Yaoi is usually hot and heavy my friend. If you prefer it to be more story-heavy, you may find 'shounen ai' to be more your genre. With yaoi, sex is a way for the authors to build the characters affection for each other, especially when they aren't afforded opportunities to do things like date (like in this manhwa for example). This manhwa has a fantastic, heart wrenching story, and as someone who has read a lot of yaoi, the amount of sex in this is minimal and doesn't detract from the story at all. In this story it's crucial for their bond to grow
I do understand what you mean, but yaoi is divided into several tags. some just have sexual intercourse and some are explained in detail (Adult/mature/smut).
I read it because there isn't a tag like that here, at first it When they have sex I think was okay...I took it for granted because it was proof of love between them, but as each chapter goes by, they always do it. At first it looked exciting, but what I found was that their sex was too boring... little sex at a time, as if there was nothing else for the two of them to do.
I mean, that's exactly the point. There wasn't anything else for them to do. The era it was, and the fact that he was shunned by his family would've meant he was shunned by society, there was nothing they could do outside the house, and what they can do together is limited inside the house too. They like and are attracted to each other, its typical to fuck like bunnies when you're in the beginning of a relationship and bored out of your mind.
That's why I gave this story 1 star. The author (manhwaka) couldn't focus on anything unique, he was more detailed about sex. It's not satisfying.
I'm not the type of pervert who is crazy about sex scenes, I came here because I was interested in the synopsis. So when I'm disappointed with the content, don't blame me. Everyone has tastes ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If only the synopsis looks like it smells dirty or maybe the tags smut/mature/hentai are added... I'm sure I won't read it
Get off your high horse tbh. Liking sex scenes or sex in general doesn't make one a pervert. Are you fucking Jehovah's Witness or Amish? What are you even doing on thos platform then that is full od "perverted" comics?
Well, the door is open and nobody cares if you leave or don't find this interesting. The story is pretty tragic and the sex is beautiful too given their personalities out of which one is promiscuous and repressed and the other ris subservient and indulgent. Their sex is far from meaningless, so, mother Teresa, go and read shoujo mangas or shounen-ais. Yaois are full of perverted scenes only.
LOL. Are you sure you have read my entire explanation in the comments??? if not then read again, so you can better understand what I mean before commenting ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Yaoi full of perverted scenes only?. Are you sure you have read all the Yaoi genre Manga/Manhwa/Manhua? Are you sure the story is FULL of dirty scenes?
Of course not, there are several authors who describe stories with good plots, good problems. SEX is only a sweetener in the story, NOT the core of the story.
I TOLD YOU SO?, I came here because I Tagged GHOST AND READ AN INTERESTING SYNOPSIS. I don't see the TAG MATURE, ADULT, SMUT, HENTAI here. So I decided to read it, but the content was NOT MY TASTE.
So, if I give 1 star to this story..that is my right..because this is my opinion and this is my account?. Why are you so unaccepting LOL.
Oh come on, not everyone has the same taste. ┐( ˘_˘)┌
Yes, but you calling people perverts for liking sex scenes is really pretentious. Not liking the story is 9ke thing, but claiming people who like it or stories with sex scenes are perverts is kinda ignorant lol. This manhwa is not shallow sex scenes, it is an intricately deep and tragic story. You saying "oh I'm not a pervert because I don't read things with so many sex scenes" is hella insinuating that people who do are perverts lol.
Nobody cares what you gave this story or what you think about it. Yaoi MEANS graphic sex, the volume can vary of course. This isn't a smut only manhwa, it is just as aspect of it. It ISN'T about sex like many brain dead smut yaois whose plot revolves around sex alone. I don't have a problem with you not liking the story, but you saying how people who do are perverts is kinda cringe and pretentious as hell.
It isn't in this case as well. You haven't read the story then. Their sex life has NO relation to the development of the story at all. It's just as aspect of it. Like I said, you only saw sex and glossed over the story it seems. The story IS tragic, complicated, angst-ridden, suspense, mystery etc etc. Frequent sex scenes is not what the story is about.
You not liking the frequency of the sex scenes doesn't mean the story itself is braindead smut content only. It's a dumb and ignorant take on the story, and shows you have some kinda high-moral ground with regards to sexual content in stories. To which again I say, go and read shoujo and shounen-ai exclusively.
Yes depiction of sex varies in Yaois but the tag Yaoi itself implies graphic sex scenes, so it is hypocritical of you to look down on sex scenes while consuming Yaoi content (i.e. your pervert comment, not your dislike of the STORY itself)
Aww.. it seems I've offended your tastes too much, princess. (・o・)
I never protested if you liked stories like this. I'm just expressing my opinion, if I don't like dirty things? Do you understand?. If I think like this or like that, that is my opinion. If you have your own opinion, please express it elsewhere, why do you demand that I have an opinion like yours?? w(°o°)w
If you want to give this story 100 stars that's up to you, since it's your opinion I won't bother you. w(°o°)w
Why are you even discussing things that are wide, w(°o°)w
In fact, I don't care, if you don't accept my review or my opinion..everyone has the right to speak ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
If you have other opinions about blah blah blah, you can comment in your own space ¯_( ° ʖ °)_/¯
1 star? You are not gonna like anything in here stick to your regular themes then
Ykw, I agree with you, and what I do most of the time is either skip the chapters (sadly they might have qt conversations that I'd miss) or suck it up ( ̄∇ ̄")
We have the same habits (≧▽≦).
I think so too!! I usually steer clear of stories if it had obvious smut (or just skip the chapters) but for this manhwa, I read the chapters ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ their convos during sex was soo qtt and there was one scene where the seme was wearing a watch but it hurt the uke, so he threw it away