It is absolutely so sick and twisted how likable the 2nd mL is in this. He did not need to be so delightful. I wish he was a stupid skank. I hate going through the emotions of this. their story would gave been so delicious if he was the ml.
I haven’t read that far, but I don’t feel bad for him. He’s plotting and scheming, and is doing too much. I would like his plotting and scheming if he was the male lead and she was dating him, but he’s not the male lead. The beginning where he was all touchy with the female lead knowing that she has a man was enough to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I tend to hate second male leads overall. Boohoo, you couldn’t get the girl? Too bad. They annoy me. He can find somebody else to love.
You guys please free my girl from the shackles of your expectations. She is the female lead. She has to do stupid shii for the plot to progress. OK. As someone who has read the novel and half of the second novel, I can tell you that this is all very important to the plot and character development from everyone involved. Whether it's stupid or not for her to go to war (which it totally is because who even is she) it needs to happen for her character development. She can't just live the rest of her life being a pampered princess when she's never had the chance to live. Her doing this reckless shii is what's gonna increase her character it's what's making her learn and grow as a person.
And as much as I love love love riftan he literally does not let her do shii. Like she is a grown woman and I get that it's all from a place of love, but it can't continue if she's supposed to grow into her own person. Like she went from being somebody's daughter to somebody's wife. she never got to be Maxi. Let her rise up and grow even if it's stupid how she gets there.
But I will say she stresses that man out way too much, and I would not have played as much if I was her LMFAOOO. If he told me "sit", my aHH would've been sat FRRR