So I've been seeing certain comments hating on yuri and I really don't understand why because from what I know the show's whole point is to break up couples or like stir trouble right and that's what she's technically doing I already knew that she doesn't have any feelings for the glasses guy even her boyfriend knows what she's doing she's literally just playing him and now that she has gotten bored with playing with him she's going after the other guy the cheater so I don't understand why people are hating her so much she's literally playing the game she's doing what she's supposed to do
it's not even the fact that she's trying to break the two apart that's bothering most ppl it's just the fact she has zero respect for sanghee like miss girl straight up made her breakdown and when the hiatus came to an end immediately jumped at the opportunity to mess with sanghee, she wasn't even messing with the glasses dude she's just enjoying making a fool out of sanghee and besides, why would her boyfriend be jealous? Their relationship ain't even serious to begin with, they just joined for the money, their literally the typical ex with benefits duo so of course he won't be jealous as long as yuri is doing everything to get that bag. She's a b that's for sure, not because of her homewrecker tendency but her overall personality as well like what does she have other than being a "badass" flirt?
That's not her issue, the point of the show is to break up couples how is she a b for doing the whole point of the show and wanting to win ?...isn't that what the mcs are doing in essence. It's not her fault that glasses guy is taking it too seriously. She is doing what the show calls for. If that girl came back with glasses guy then, that's too damn bad
She just messing with Sanghee even after the break down and not even keeping some distance after it til he got serious and she was like ooh I don't like it it's not fun anymore so let's go to the next cheater
And like all this for a bag .. when they we were doing it to get married !
Tho ruining it is the shitty guy fault and his delulu mind .. but she took it too far for just a bag?
But it's good that it happened now cause if they married he would have definitely cheated .. Sanghee better leaving him sooner tbh but i doubt it before the show ends of at least before she loose all her hope in him and decide to leave the show cause there's no point in that money anyway
Cause til now she still seems to hold on their relationship and it's understandable like 10 years!!!!
As much as I understand your comment sanghee is the one that came back to the show she actually gave him a second chance she could have just dumped him and moved onward to her life because she knows how he is around Yuri it's not yuri's fault at the end of the day because she's literally playing the game even her boyfriend knows that it has nothing to do with them being in a serious relationship he knows that she's playing the game because at the end of the day that's the whole point of the show is is to break up a couple and that's exactly what she's doing I understand not agreeing with her methods but to upright hate her because of it is stupid to me because everyone knows the rules it's literally the point so that's what I'm saying I don't understand certain comments because going down l scrolling past you see a lot of comments just hating her just for existing calling her a bitch like all names just because she's playing the game
those who responded to my reply really didn't understand my point like yeah I get it, it's the point of the show but my point is SHE'S NOT TRYING TO BREAK THEM UP, SHE'S JUST MESSING WITH SANGHEE and for that one response about sanghee not leaving the guy it's like as if ur able to leave someone who u spent a decade of ur life with and someone that u actually invisioned urself to get married with and start a family that easily like be fr
I'm not even saying Yuri shouldn't be doing the point of the show, I'm just asking that she could atleast be respectful even for a lil bit since she's a woman as well but she literally has zero respect for Sanghee and has no decency whatsoever to let Sanghee breath for a moment before jumping on her man like bruh it's like y'all are saying Sanghee is being too sensitive while Yuri's action is justified just because it's the point of the show. U don't see Taerin doing all the crap Yuri is pulling and even Joo-ah when she's the real b out of all the girls
She's not just playing the game she isn't that innocent .. like the prison thing you all remember the cuddling the stupid confession and sure everything happened before the cuddling is known .. the cameras were off ! There were not points involved but still they did it .. she's just having fun
And the messages the meetings after the lights went off or when there were no cameras ..
And remember the start of the show ? She and her bf what they called what they did ? The introduction? They were cheating and breaking up all the time to come back together to cheat again and that was their relationship
She enjoyed it
He took it seriously yes! He mistook lust and does he actually think she's just doing it for the game? No
He actually thinks she has feelings for him cause she didn't keep it game thing even the teasing and messing with Sanghee they don't get her points but still she did them
And he started caring about her and being shitty to Sanghee
He's to blame cause he actually fell for it , no one said all the blame goes to her but she isn't just playing the game
And Sanghee breaking up with him isn't that easy cause we're talking about 10 years relationship and were gonna get married.. the whole idea is overwhelming just wasting 10 years like this
she actually might think she knows him better or like maybe it's a misunderstanding or even believed him when he said it's for the game cause you can't just like that break up from a 10 years relationship with someone just throwing away all the time efforts youth and everything you put and worked hard for and everything you spent together..
and maybe it's even their first relationship and Sanghee isn't sure of what to do or wants to believe in him
like idk but based on glasses guy reactions from little flirting to booom love it sounds like he never got attention from anyone else other than Sanghee
but then you can see Sanghee actually starting to realize maybe not to point of breaking up yet but still she is
maybe she thinks she wants to trust him trust in those 10 years together and it's understandable
And if she's only doing it for the game she wouldn't have just backed off when he told her he loves her and don't tell she didn't notice him falling for her! She's not that stupid
She knew it and ignored it and when it got serious she just naaah that's too much for me .. lets go for the next cheater
Honestly I'm not justifying Yuri's actions at all and I didn't say that sanghee was being sensitive I totally understand where you were coming from i was not trying to be mean or anything or justifying yuri's actions all I'm saying is that technically sanghee put herself in this situation which it may come of as insensitive when I say it like this but what I mean is I understand that it's not easy getting over a seven-year relationship with the plans of getting married and having children or whatever but what I'm saying is if you saw how the glasses guy was acting the first time around yuri break up with him but then you decide to give him a second chance and then he does the same thing again girl enough is enough break up with him or at least Scream at him get angry you know because it's really sad seeing her like this I really like sanghee and she's the best girl but I feel like she's needs to get away from the guy he keeps hurting her and we should stop blaming yuri for that like Yuri is playing the game but I also understand when you say that she should give sanghee a chance to breathe respect her boundaries I totally understand that and I really hope that by the end of the series she has a chance to be happy with someone or by herself but I really want her to get away from the glasses guy I did not mean anything with the comment that I made about her breaking up with him so easily maybe it's because I've never been in a relationship before or it's really easy for me to break contact with people I hope that I didn't come off as insensitive or picking sides or taking Yuri's side and thinking that she's not doing anything wrong absolutely not yuri's actions have consequences and she's literally breaking a couple up and I totally understand that is very wrong
After reading this story I would say I'm pleasantly surprised because people were really making the male lead sound like a super asshole like he was really bad but he's not even that bad he's not even the worst type of Ml I've read there's actually worse out there
Ethics and malpractice aside… yeah honestly I fucking loved him lmao